Free Y1 maths worksheets: Understand subtraction

take away, subtract, how many are left, less than, what is the difference between, more than.

calculate imageMuch of the basic vocabulary involved with subtraction is introduced in year 1, including these terms:

take away, subtract, how many are left, less than, what is the difference between, more than.

The minus (-) sign is also introduced.

As with addition, at this age most of the work will be done orally. All kinds of opportunities arise where simple subtraction questions can be posed.

A number line is useful so that children can see the movement down the line as numbers are subtracted. Schools use number lines a great deal and I strongly recommend that you make one at home. One way to do this is to have a line of string with eleven pegs on, each peg holding a sheet with each number on from zero to 10.

Free Y1 maths worksheets: Understand ‘Take … from …’ (pg 1)

Free Y1 maths worksheets: Understand ‘Take… from …’ (pg 2)

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