On the same day that I post my first reading book to help young children with counting this news comes from the BBC.
“The reading performance of children in England has fallen from third to 19th in the world in a major assessment. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (Pirls), undertaken every five years, involved children aged about 10 in 40 countries. Scotland also fell, from 14th to 26th. Russia, which matched it last time, was top of the overall achievement table.”
Much of the blame is being put onto the use of computers and other modern technology as parents leave their children to get on with it. We must be careful that whilst computing and the internet are great resources we can not leave our children to get on with it, especially when it comes to maths and English. All the games and worksheets I post here are meant to be used by parents with their children, as resources to initiate discussion, as activities to do together.