Reception maths vocabulary: Counting

Here is the third list of the vocabulary that children at the end of their Reception Year (4/5 years old) should be familiar with. The words and phrases should always be used within a suitable context, using real objects as often as possible. It is only in the final stages, after much oral opportunities to use these words, that learning to read and spell them becomes important.
There are separate pages for the numbers from 1 to 10 and 10 to 20.
After these lists is a set of free maths worksheets with each word written in large font size which can be copied, cut out and used as flash cards or as display. Cover them with sticky back plastic or if you have access to a laminator, even better!
zero, one, two, three… to ten (see list 1)
ten, eleven, twelve… to twenty (see list 2)
zero, ten, twenty… to one hundred
how many…?
count, count (up) to
count on (from, to)
count back (from, to)
count in ones, twos… tens…
more, less, many, few
odd, even
every other
how many times?
pattern, pair
guess how many, estimate
nearly, close to, about the same as
just over, just under
too many, too few, enough, not enough

Reception maths vocabulary: Counting

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