Booster maths worksheet 9

countingAnother Key Stage 2 Booster maths worksheet. Some questions in the tests can be quite wordy and there are a couple of examples on this worksheet. Once again it can be seen that the testers like to set questions which challenge children’s understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division ie to find the answer to “If I divide a number by 7 the answer is 5” all that needs to be done is to multiply 7 by 5.

Booster maths worksheet 9

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Solve puzzles and investigate (2)

Here we have the digits from one to nine again, this time the task is to use three digits to make 12.

know1Here we have the digits from one to nine again, this time the task is to use three digits to make 12. This is much harder than just using two digits and it would be a good idea to have some cards printed out with the digits on to help with this. They are available in the reception maths worksheets section.

Again plenty of opportunity for talking about the numbers and what counts as a different way. Is 1 + 2 + 9 the same as 2 + 1 + 9 ?

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Solve puzzles and investigate (2)