Year 3 Mental Arithmetic: sets 51 and 52

This week’s year 3 mental arithmetic questions concentrate on addition, with a couple of ‘less than’ questions. Children should be getting more familiar with the various techniques they can use to answer questions ‘in their heads’.

For example:

a. it helps to look for pairs of numbers that make 10 such as 5 and 5 or 6 and 4. These pairs all need to be learnt off by heart.

b. when adding pairs of multiples of ten, use knowledge of adding single digits. If the answer to 6 + 7 is known off by heart it makes it easy to add 60 and 70.

c. when adding pounds and pence make sure the answer is using the correct units e.g. £2.70 + 20p = £2.90. (Not £2.90p)

d. when adding three or four numbers to remember that addition can be done in any order and it is often best to start with the largest number.

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 51 and 52)


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