Year 3 maths worksheet: Counting back

This is the second page of revising counting back in whole tens from any 2-digit or 3-digit number. Some children still find this difficult, especially when it involves crossing a hundreds boundary. If children do find this hard it is well worthwhile going back to a large number square and making sure that they are confident with counting on, crossing the hundreds boundary.

Revise counting back in tens (2)

Calculator game: 5x table

This is another in our series of using a calculator to help learn and reinforce tables. To be successful with this game you need to know your 5x table: the calculator just confirms your correct mental arithmetic (or not!). This series of calculator activities for 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables are all found in the Year 3: Know number facts section.

5x table calculator game

Counting back in tens: Year 3 revision

In year 3 many children still find it tricky to count on and back and there is a danger that they are moved on to harder maths before they have mastered this basic skill. This is a page which can be used as a check to make sure that they are confident with counting back in tens from any 2 or 3-digit number.

Revise counting back in tens

Calculator game: Multiples of 10

multiples of 10_larger numbersMultiples of ten are fairly easy to work out, but nevertheless this is a good game of strategy to play to help reinforce multiples of 10. Choose a number on the grid then try and make it on the calculator by multiplying a number by 10. If correct and the answer on the calculator matches the number on the grid place a coloured counter on the grid. Play then goes to your opponent, with the aim of trying to get 4 in a row.

Calculator game: Multiples of 10

Year 3 maths worksheet: Reading scales

Children are used to reading scales where the divisions go up in ones, but they find it much harder when either they go up in larger numbers or when not all the divisions are numbered. This worksheet does both of these. The ruler shown is a scale drawing and each division is 10 cm, but only the 100 cm division lines are named.

Once it has been established that each mark represents 10 cm., it is relatively straightforward to work out the lengths shown. As children usually only use centimetre rulers this might be the first time they come across a ruler where not all the divisions are numbered.

Reading scales (1)

Year 3 maths worksheet: Counting in tens

By year 3 most children are quite confident with counting up in tens, but there can still be some difficulties, especially when counting over a hundreds boundary. This page looks specifically at this, with a set of number tracks which need completing. All of them cross the hundreds boundary and involve both counting on and counting back.

Counting in tens crossing the hundreds boundary (2)

Calculator game: Multiples of 5

multiples of 5_larger numbersThe idea of this game is to make a row of 4 in any direction before your opponent. Take it in turns to use the calculator to multiple chosen numbers to match numbers on the grid. This is excellent practice at multiplying and dividing by 5 mentally and then using the calculator to check answers. Suitable for year 3 upwards.

Multiples of 5_larger numbers

Calculator game: 4x table

4x table calculator gameHere is another in our series of calculator activities for year 3 children. It is a two player game intended to help with reinforcing the 4 times table. Calculators for young children have been frowned upon over the last few years but they can be a powerful tool for learning and should not be ignored as a resource. We will be following this up with a similar ‘multiples of 4’ page in a couple of weeks time.

4x table calculator game

Calculator game: Multiples of 3

multiples of 3_larger_numbersAnother in our series of fun games to play, suitable for year 3 children who have got a good grasp of the three times table. The object of the game is to get a line of four in a row by finding the number which when multiplied by 3 is on the grid. Not as easy as it looks, and a good game of strategy as well. Remember, you do need a calculator for this game.

Calculator game: multiples of 3

Calculator game: Multiples of 2

multiples of 2_larger_numbers

This is a harder version of the 2x table calculator game, published earlier in that the grid has larger multiples of 2. All you need is the grid, some counters or cubes and a calculator. Set the calculator up as a 2x table answer machine by keying in 2, x, x, =, 0 and then all you need to do is press a number and the equals sign and it will show the answer to the number multiplied by 2. Just type in the next number, press equals and so on…

Once again, the aim of the game is to make a line of four in a row in any direction.

Multiples of 2