Year 6 Maths worksheet: Converting metric units (2)

y6_larger_units_to_smaller_2This is about as hard as it gets for converting larger metric units to smaller ones. The larger units all include decimals and a good knowledge of multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 is needed.

As a special treat the last question is really tricky; How many centimetres in 1.9 kilometres. I imagine that there are quite a lot of adults who would struggle with that one, but taken in logical steps it proves to be not so difficult. Find the number of metres in 1.9 kilometres, then find the number of centimtres in that amount. easy eh. It is quite interesting to look at other distances in terms of centimetres: journey home from school, length of a football pitch etc which would make for an interesting investigation.

Year 6 Convert larger metric units to smaller (pg 2)

Year 6 maths worksheet: Converting metric units


By year 6 children will be very familiar with the metric system, but here is a worksheet which should test their knowledge and ability to convert from a larger metric unit to a smaller one. It involves converting metres to centimetres, centimetres to millimetres, kilograms to grams and litres to millilitres.What makes it more tricky is that all the larger measurements use decimal fractions as well as whole units. This of course, needs careful multiplication by 10, 100 or 1000 and ‘adding a nought’ just won’t work!

Year 6: Converting larger units to smaller_(pg 1)

Year 6 Maths Worksheet: rounding decimals

rounding-decimals-y6-p2The second in our series on rounding decimals for year 6, this worksheet looks at rounding to the nearest whole number and to the nearest tenth.

When rounding to the nearest whole number, the crucial digit to look at is the tenths digit. If it is 5 or more then the units will round up; if it is less than 5 the units will remain the same.

When rounding to the nearest tenth the crucial digit to look at is the hundredth.
Difficulties can occur when a number that needs rounding up also changes the units and possibly the tens digits. For example 9.95 rounded up to the nearest tenth is 10.

Rounding decimals (pg 2)

Year 6 Maths Worksheet: Rounding decimals

rounding-decimals-y6-p1When rounding decimals to the nearest whole one the only digits that are crucial are the tenths – it does not matter what the hundredths or thousandths are.

When rounding a number such as 3.47 to the nearest whole number the key digit to look at is the tenths digit. If it is 5 or more, round up. Less than 5, round down.

So 3.44 rounded to the nearest whole one is 3.

3.47 rounded to the nearest whole one is 4.

Year 6 Rounding decimals (pg 1)

Maths Worksheet: Year 6 Order Decimal Fractions

decimal-fractions-thousandths-y6It is not often that you see maths for primary school children which includes thousandths. But the justification is that in certain areas of measurement children might well come across them. For example there are 1000 metres in a kilometre so a distance might be written as 2.345 k, where the 5 is 5 thousandths of a kilometre. The same can be said of litres and ml. So decimal fractions including thousandths are here to stay!

Once again, when looking at ordering numbers it is the digits to the left which are most important e.g. 0.1 is bigger than 0.09.

Again the hardest question here is probably the last: being able to write a number bigger than 0.09 but smaller than 1. An easy way to do this is to keep the hundredths digit the same and a thousandth is added e.g. 0.091. Of course 0.0900000000000001 would do equally well and some children like to explore these possibilities.

Decimal fractions thousandths y6 pg 1

Maths Worksheet: Order of Calculating (Bodmas) 3

order-of-calculating-3This is the third of our worksheets on the order of calculations for Year 6 children, introducing the idea that an expression or row of questions needs to be carried out in a set order so that everyone reaches the same answer.

This page concentrates on brackets.

The first four questions have a single set of brackets, which should be worked out first.

Questions 5 to 10 have two sets of brackets to work out. It is best to encourage a systematic approach, putting in the steps such as:
(4 + 2) x (3 – 1) = 6 x 2 = 12.

Why not just put in the answer? because if an answer is wrong it is much easier to see where the mistake has been made and later at High School students need to show all their working out.

Finally there are a set of expressions which will only be correct if a pair of brackets are entered in the right places.

Order of calculating (Bodmas) pg 3

Maths Worksheet: Order of Calculating (Bodmas) 2

order-of-calculating-2The acronym BODMAS
It is a convention to ensure everyone carries out a question such as that below in the same order. Numbers in brackets are worked out first, followed by multiplication and division with addition and subtraction last.

3 + 5 x 2 =

One way to do the question is:       3 + 5 = 8.  8 x 2 = 16.
It can also be done like this:           5 x 2 = 10. 10 + 3 = 13.

If you use a calculator and key in 3 + 5 x 2 you might get 16 or 13, it depends on the type of calculator you use (simple of scientific). So which is ‘correct’?
Answer: 13
So with 3 + 5 x 2, the first thing to do is 5 x 2, then add the 3.

To make this easier we often put brackets round parts of the question, to make it clearer, like this:
3 + ( 5 x 2 )
Primary children might not be introduced to the term BODMAS but they should be working in the correct order.

Order of calculating (Bodmas) pg 2

Maths worksheet: Order of Calculating (Bodmas) 1

order-of-calculating-12 + 4 x 3 =
The acronym BODMAS probably conjures up memories of school maths for many people and it is still as important today. It stands for:


It is a convention to ensure everyone carries out a question such as that above in the same order. Numbers in brackets are worked out first, followed by multiplication and division with addition and subtraction last.
One way to do the question is:       2 + 4 = 6.  6 x 3 = 18.
It can also be done like this:    4 x 3 = 12. 12 + 2 = 14.

If you use a calculator and key in 2 + 4 x 3 you might get 18 or 14, it depends on the type of calculator you use (simple of scientific). So which is ‘correct’?
Answer: 14
So with 2 + 4 x 3, the first thing to do is 4 x 3, then add the 2.
To make this easier we often put brackets round parts of the question, to make it clearer, like this:
2 + ( 4 x 3 )
Primary children might not be introduced to the term BODMAS but they should be working in the correct order.

Order of calculating (pg 1)

Year 6 Booster worksheet for SATs

booster-p12Well, we are creeping towards those SAT tests so here is a contribution from MathSphere, the undoubted experts in Primary Maths.

It shows a typical looking page from the test paper and is excellent revision to ensure that children are familiar with the types of question and how to go about them.

Probably the best revision guide of all is the MathSphere Booster CD with hundreds and hundreds of pages of examples aimed at boosting children’s levels from 3 to 4 or from 4 to 5.

Booster page 12

Year 6 Maths worksheet: Ordering fractions

ordering-fractionsThe big question: how do you put fractions in order of size? It is easy to compare fractions  if the bottom number (the denominator) is the same for each fraction. 3/12 is smaller than 5/12 etc. But if the denominators are different it becomes more tricky.

There are several ways to do this (eg treat each fraction as a division sum and use a calculator to work out the division answers and then order them) but the established method is to change each fraction so that they all have the same denominator.

Warning! If children are going to be successful with this there are several things that they already need to be confident with, including knowing tables and being able to recognise multiples of a number. They also need to know that multiplying the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) of a fraction by the same number will not change the fractions size – equivalent fractions again! Without this knowledge they will be doomed and confused!!

Let’s take 3/4 and 2/3 as a simple example. To be able to directly compare them the denominators of both fractions need to be the same. Both fractions can be shown in twelfths. (If you don’t understand why I have chosen twelfths then have a look at some of the equivalent fraction pages on the site.)

3/4 can be changed by multiplying 4 by 3 and then 3 by 3 to give 9/12.

2/3 can be changed by multiplying 3 by 4 and 2 by 4 to give 8/12

From this it can be sen that 2/3 or 8/12 is smaller than 3/4 or 9/12.

There is a more detailed explanation on ordering fractions on the maths worksheet pages.

Ordering fractions p1