What is expected? Part 7 Year 5

What is expected of children in maths in year 5?

What is expected of children during their primary school years in England?

Year 5 ( aged 9/10)

Much of the work carried out in year 4 eg addition and subtraction is reinforced in year 5. Efficient written methods for all addition, subtraction and multiplication are expected and moving towards this with division.
Please note that this is only a summary of the key areas of maths to be covered in the year. Continue reading “What is expected? Part 7 Year 5”

Free Y2 maths worksheets: Two numbers to make a total

Free Y2 maths worksheets: Two numbers to make a total

calculate 2Here we have 2 free maths worksheets of a slightly different nature. The total for the answer is given and it is the two numbers to make the answer which are needed. Each problem asks for two solutions. Obviously there are several options using whole numbers to make a total such as 13. Some children will go for the easy option and choose 12 + 1, whilst others will go for harder sums such as 7 + 6.

An interesting progression to this is to ask for all the possible combinations of making 13 and see if children can organise these in a logical order.

Free Y2 maths worksheets: Two numbers to make a total (pg 1)

Free Y2 maths worksheets: Two numbers to make a total (pg 2)

Free Y1 maths worksheets: Adding two numbers

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Adding two numbers (pg 1)

calculate 2Two maths worksheets here on simple addition. However, there is not any help with either of these in the form of pictures to count on, or a number line. Five year olds will usually need something to help them. At home this could be a bag of buttons or beads or 1p coins, or if nothing is available there is always a set of fingers! All numbers add up to less than 10 at this stage. Over time children will begin to learn them and will also gain confidence with counting.

I was at Bodiam Castle yesterday and a young child began counting the steps up the spiral staircase. She started OK and then got to 6 and continued randomly 3, 5 , 4, 2, 8 – it was too hard to continue past 6.
Free Y1 maths worksheet: Adding two numbers (pg 1)

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Adding two numbers (pg 2)

Maths puzzles: Wordsnake calculator words

Maths puzzles: Wordsnake calculator words

games2Now we are getting really tricky. This is like a maze: start at the arrow, in this case pointing at the letter c and move across or down (but not diagonally) like a snake, to make a word. The first word has been done for you: clear. The next word follows on immediately from the first, the third from the second and so on. Every letter is used once, with the final word ending where the arrow exits (in this case the letter s).

This is even harder because you don’t know what the words are or which letter they begin with, but you do know how long they are.

One for the real puzzle champs and definitely in the very hard, Brainbender category!

Maths wordsnake calculator words

Maths puzzles: Word search seven times table

Free maths word search 7 times table

games2Similar to the 6 times table word search; look for number sentences from the 7 times table. All answers are either across or down, with no diagonals or statements written backwards. The seven times table is often the hardest of all to learn. Unlike the nine times table there is no simple pattern to the answers and it can not be reached by doubling other tables. This is really one to learn off by heart – but remember your children should already know over half of it by knowing other tables such as the 2x, 3x and 5x!

Watch out for the equals signs on the number sentences which go from top to bottom.

Maths word search 7 times table

Timez Attack: web review

Timez Attack: web review

TimezattackTimez Attack

Are you spending tedious hours trying to get your children to learn their tables? Would you like to get your children pleading to learn their tables? Well if the Timez Attack blurb is true to its word your kids will love this. Coming from the Big Brainz site, they obviously like their zzzzs!

The Timez Attack base version is a free download of about 43 MB consisting of a high-tech and entertaining video game aimed at improving tables. Graphics are excellent, on a par with many video games. Your children will probably find their way around far better than you as they explore the dungeon and overcome monsters, at first to master their two times table. Continue reading “Timez Attack: web review”

Maths puzzles: Word search six times table

maths puzzle word search six times table

games2Here we are – a straightforward six times table word search. The words to the answers to the six times table can be found across, down or diagonally, but not backwards so it is still reasonably straight forward. Good practice at revising the six times table and for spelling those tricky numbers.

The six times table often proves to be tricky for children to learn, but if they have a secure grasp of earlier tables (ie 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x) then the only really new aspects are 6 x 6 = 36 which is a square number, 7 x 6 = 42, 8 x 6 = 48 and 9 x 6 = 54.

Maths word search six times table

What is expected? Part 6 Year 4

What is expected of children in maths in year 4?

What is expected of children during their primary school years in England?

Year 4 ( aged 8/9)

Now we have come to what is expected of children aged between 8 and 9: as defined by the English Primary Framework for Mathematics (part of the National Curriculum). In year 4 there is a greater emphasis on written methods, with the standard or efficient method expected for both addition and subtraction. Children are expected to know all their tables and there is a lot more work on decimals. Continue reading “What is expected? Part 6 Year 4”

Maths puzzles: Word search 3 times table

maths puzzle three times table

games2Now this is not so much a word search as a number search. The grid consists of numbers, the multiplication sign and the equals sign. The idea is to spot statements which you will find in the 3 times table and complete them. All the answers are either up or down, not diagonally and not from bottom to top or right to left.

Two things to note:

1. a row containing 2 3 x 4 = 1 2 5 x 2 has within it the statement 3 x 4 = 12; ignore the numbers and signs either side.

2. the equals signs on statements going down are the wrong way round – sorry about that!!

Quite tricky!

Maths word search: 3 times table