Free Y6 maths worksheet: Approximate answers by rounding

countingThis maths worksheet is a real test of understanding. Remember these key facts about rounding numbers:
Numbers to the nearest 10

When rounding to the nearest 100 the key figure is the tens digit. If the tens digit is 5 or above, round up. If it is below 5 round down.


279 is 300 to the nearest 100

249 is 200 to the nearest 100

(Note that it does not matter what the units digit is, it is the TENS digit that must be looked at.) Continue reading “Free Y6 maths worksheet: Approximate answers by rounding”

Free Y5 maths worksheet: The value of digits

the value of a digit depends on its place in the number. This understanding is absolutely essential for making further progress.

countingThis kind of work really shows whether a child has understood how numbers work and, in particular, that the value of a digit depends on its place in the number. This understanding is absolutely essential for making further progress.

The numbers shown on this maths worksheet are very large; into the millions, and many children will find it difficult to read them out in words. Just remember to keep it simple, working in sets of three (hundreds, tens and units for each set).

Free Y5 maths worksheet: The value of digits

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Count in the hundreds

This worksheet has four number tracks to be filled in

countingThis free year 3 maths worksheet has four number tracks to complete, practicing counting in steps of one up to and including numbers in the hundreds. Notice that the number tracks start at the bottom and go up, rather like the numbers on the vertical axis of a graph.

It is interesting to watch the way children tackle these. Probably the most efficient way, and the way to minimise mistakes, is to start at the highest number shown and continue counting up. Then return to the lowest number shown and count down.

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Count in the hundreds (pg 4)

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Count on

countingThe questions on this page all relate to counting on to the next whole ten. To begin with children will start at the number and count on in ones (often using fingers to help). As confidence grows they might notice that to count on 5 from a 2-digit number with 5 in the units will always take them to the next whole ten.

The patterns of numbers:

1 and 9

2 and 8

3 and 7

4 and 6

5 and 5

are important as each pair makes 10.

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Count on (pg 3)

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Counting in steps of one

The second page has left the number/word blank so that you can insert your own numbers, or even better, your child can add their own numbers.

countingTwo free maths worksheets here for young children who are still learning to count up to 10. The first asks for 6 pencils to be coloured and for 7 apples to be coloured. Note that both the number and the word are used. It is important to use both numbers and words as often as possible.

The second page has left the number/word blank so that you can insert your own numbers, or even better, your child can add their own numbers.

Free Y1 maths worksheets: Counting in steps of one (pg 7)

Reception maths vocabulary: Counting

Here is the third list of the vocabulary that children at the end of their Reception Year (4/5 years old) should be familiar with. The words and phrases should always be used within a suitable context, using real objects as often as possible. It is only in the final stages, after much oral opportunities to use these words, that learning to read and spell them becomes important. Continue reading “Reception maths vocabulary: Counting”