Booster maths worksheet 8

countingThe last in this particular sequence of type of question, once again concentrating on place value and the knowledge that addition and subtraction are inverse.

For example, question 3 asks: ? + 25 = 42.

This can be worked out by subtracting 25 from 42, or by counting on from 25 to 42.

Excellent practice for the key Stage 2 tests!

Booster maths worksheet 8

News: maths tests

Maths tests. Do they know what they are doing?
The government has changed the whole basis of the new tests which have been piloted this year after ‘unusual’ results were found. The newspapers seem to think that this means they have become easier as they move from “working securely within” a level to “reaching a level, or threshold”.
Confusing? Probably. But I am guessing that it all stems from the children being test piloted did not reach the levels expected, hence the ‘unusual’ results!

Find out more.

Maths vocabulary for Reception: Time

When we think of teach time many of us think just in terms of telling the time on a clock or watch. However, much work must precede this as is shown by the vocabulary list for reception (4/5 years old) below.
Start with which day of the week it is, what day will it be tomorrow/ yesterday etc. There are certain times of the day they need to know, such as morning and afternoon and the order that these come in.
At this stage do not worry about telling the time on a clock: some children will find this hard and get very frustrated if it is introduced too soon.
Maths vocabulary for Reception: Time

Free Y4 maths worksheet: More about prisms

shapeOn this free maths worksheet is some pretty hard work concerned with prisms.

(A prism is a solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.)

It is a good idea to try and collect a variety of prisms so that there properties can be explored in detail.

Look out for interesting shaped boxes eg toblerone packet is a triangular prism.

There are some interesting facts about prisms such as the number of faces is always two more than the number of edges on the end. Other facts are included on the answer page.

Free Y4 maths worksheet: More about prisms

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Using triangles to make shapes

shapeA simple idea which has a lot of maths attached to it. Find or make two right angled triangles (out of card). Then join them together to make a variety of other shapes. A parallelogram can be made as shown on the worksheet but there is another way to make a parallelogram. A good discussion point is that a parallelogram is a special kind of quadrilateral, just a s a rectangle is a special kind of quadrilateral. Hexagons can also be made: remember that a hexagon has six sides, but the do not have to be all equal (that is a regular hexagon). It’s a good idea to trace round the shapes that have been made.

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Using triangles to make shapes