Coming soon: Estimating, 5 sided shapes and dividing decimals

Next week we deal with larger numbers and estimating on a number line. This is a much trickier exercise than it first appears. Firstly, children need to be confident with reading large numbers and counting in thousands. Secondly they need to be able to visualise marks on a scale.

By Year 3 children should be familiar with the names of 5 and 6 sided shapes: pentagons and hexagons. Usually these shapes are seen in a regular form and children do not always recognise them when they are irregular. Next week’s mini investigation will help with this. A geoboard is a great help. Schools already have these, but at home it is easy enough to make one – just 9 short nails evenly spaced in a block of wood and some elastic bands are all that is needed.

We will also be publishing the second in our Year 6  revision sheets for dividing decimals by 10 or 100, ‘in your head’. A good understanding of place value is needed for this as there is little to do apart from move the numbers to the right. One place to the right divides by 10. Two places to the right divides by 100.

Resource of the Week: Year 5 fractions and division


The relationship between fractions and division is one which many children fail to grasp. Put simply, one fifth of 30 is equivalent to 30 divided by 5, or written as a fraction 30 over 5.

It can be a great help to see a fraction as a division calculation. 1/2 can also be thought of as one divided by two.

This page takes a quick look at this and should show whether your child does understand this important relationship.

Relate division and fractions (pg 1)

How much is a good primary maths education worth?

It has been reported today that parents are willing to pay up to £8 670 more for a home in the catchment area of a school that they consider goodat maths and English, so that their children can be educated there. The figures come from the Nationwide Building Society, just before the latest set of Key Stage 2 results are published.

The Building Society states that buying a home near a school which has 10% better results in SATs in Maths and English added an extra 3.3% to house prices.

Catchment areas have been a major factor in parents choosing their new home for some years now and there have been several cases reported of parents lying on application forms and pretending to live within the catchment area as well as Poole local council spying on parents to see if they do actually live where they say. What a strange world we live in!

Key Stage 2 results

Key Stage 2 test results which will be released next week are expected to show that almost 40% of 11 year olds ‘failed’ to hit the national targets in reading, writing and maths. What can we read into results such as these? Actually, very little!
Firstly, teachers at over 4000 schools (about a quarter) boycotted the tests and the NUT claim that this protest makes the results ‘an irrelevance’.
The expected standard at 11 is Level 4, but this has always been an unrealistic target for many children for many reasons. Why the government thinks that national testing improves education standards I do not know. From my own experience of 40 years teaching, real levels of achievement have not changed a great deal as a result of testing. They do tend to improve as a result of inspired teaching.
Perhaps what is more important is how little the Government makes of the data they collect. When making statements about how to improve education they would rather push for the latest fad ideas than for the result of any real evidence based research. This week the Centre for Policy Studies concludes that poor achievement in reading is a result of poor discipline and the absence of ‘synthetic phonics’ as a spelling programme. Yet they have done hardly anything to test this. The trials carried out have been tiny with under 200 children taking part – yet they collect all this data from Key Stage 2 test results from every school in the country, every year and fail to relate it to teaching methods to see what really does work.

Coming soon: Addition, counting and calculator game for 7x tables

Whilst the Primary Framework for Mathematics has little to say about addition of whole numbers in Year 6 it is still worth revising skills and developing fast technique, especially with mental arithmetic.

Next week we have a consolidation page of adding three 2-digit numbers, using all the techniques developed so far. This is a follow up page to that published last week.

Whilst children get used to counting on in tens and hundreds, sometimes it can be useful to count on in 25s and 50s, especially when using money or measurement. We will be publishing the second page on counting in 25s and 50s, concentrating on money and is probably most suited to year 4 children.

There will also be something for Year 5. This is the next in our series of calculator activities and is certainly one of the hardest. It looks at multiples of 7, including numbers above 10 and will test children’s knowledge of the 7 times table to the full.

Coming soon: addition, counting and decimals

Next week we have a number of simple tips and practice at adding three 2-digit numbers mentally. Not the easiest task in the world and one beyond many adults, but there are a wide range of techniques children can have at their fingertips to make this easier.

Some of the tips on this page include:

starting with the largest digit

adding the tens before the units

looking for pairs that make 10

I will also be publishing a useful couple of pages for children entering Year 3 next term. Counting on and back will still be important in year 3, using up to three digit numbers. Grouping into tens or fives and using tally charts are both effective ways of counting larger numbers.

Also another page on multiplying decimal fractions by 10 or 100. The method used today is to move each number one place to the left when multiplying by ten and two places to the left when multiplying by 100. The decimal point does not move.

Resource of the Week: Year 5 division problems


As we get to the end of term here is a page which can be used to check that children can use a range of methods to solve division problems mentally.

It is important the tables are known so that the facts can be used. For example if it is known that 6 x 6 = 36, then 6 x 60 can be quickly worked out as 360, and in turn 360 divided by 6 is 60.

Another useful tip is when dividing by 5 mentally it is often possible to divide by 10 and then double the answer.

Please note: Factors need to have been taught before trying this page.

Division problems to calculate mentally (pg 2)

Coming soon: Make 12 investigation, ratio and decimals

With the summer holidays nearly upon us  we have a rather nice number investigation for Year 3. Using exactly 5 of the cards, how many ways can 12 be made? As with all of these mini investigations children need to be encouraged to work in a well organised, ordered way rather than haphazardly.

We will also be publishing our second page on ratio and proportion, an area of maths which is less well covered than the traditional four rules but nevertheless involves key concepts.

An important part of this page is to be able to show the ratios in the simplest form. This process is similar to showing fractions in their simplest form, for example 6:4 can be simplified to 3:2 by dividing each by 2.

For year 6, a calculator/decimal page. This again looks at decimal fractions and how to manipulate them. The first set of questions involve changing decimals, using either the multiplication or division keys of the calculator, in just one step.

The second set of questions use the add or subtract keys. A good test of understanding place value.

Resource of the Week: know pairs that make 20


Here we have a straightforward maths worksheet on knowing pairs of numbers that add up to twenty. This is suitable for year 2 children or those who are already very confident with knowing pairs of numbers that make ten.

If these facts are not known there are several ways of working the answers out, including:

1. Counting on from the smaller number.

2. Counting on from the smaller number up to 10 and then adding another 10. (If smaller number is below 10.)

3. Counting back from 20, which is trickier.

A good follow up to this page is to ask how many different ways you can make 20 by adding just two numbers.

If you are looking for resources for Key Stage 1, then is well worth a visit.

Know pairs that make 20 (pg 2)

Ratio and proportion, counting back and calculator game

We sometimes take for granted that children can count without any problems. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Next week we  publish the second page of revising counting back in whole tens from any 2-digit or 3-digit number, aimed at year 3 children. Some children still find this difficult, especially when it involves crossing a hundreds boundary and they will need as much practice as possible.

Ratio and proportion can also be quite a tricky subject for children to fully understand. If there are 6 yellow cubes and four blue cubes we can say that the ratio of yellow to blue is 6 to 4 or 6:4. This can be simplified to 3 to 2 or 3:2.

The proportion is usually written as a fraction of the whole lot, so the proportion of yellow cubes would be 6 out of 10, or when simplified, 3 out of 5. This can be written as a fraction 3/5. This is usually covered in year 5 and developed further in year 6.

The six times table is one of the hardest to learn, but we will be publishing another in our calculator games sequence which will help reinforce this table as a great revision exercise for year 4.