Resource of the Week: Christmas tree puzzle

It doesn’t seem like a year ago that this little Christmas maths puzzle was posted, but Christmas is now just around the corner (although our local garden centre would have me believe that it started in early October!).

This puzzle looks quite easy but can cause a lot of problems. Probably suitable for older children, or even mums and dads! It asks to put the digits 1 to 9 in stars around a Christmas tree so that each side of four stars adds up to the same total.

There are a number of solutions, the one shown just an example.

Christmas tree stars

Coming Soon: Metric system, multiplication and negative numbers

plane9By year 6 children will be very familiar with the metric system, but next week we have a worksheet which should test their knowledge and ability to convert from a larger metric unit to a smaller one.

We also continue with our series of multiplication for Year 2 with some multiplication word problems taken from real life situations. All the questions can be answered if the 2x table is known. There are picture illustrations on this page to help.

We also have the second page on  placing negative numbers on a number line, probably best suited to year 4 children. This time the questions asks for an arrow to be drawn to the correct position on the number line for each of the numbers shown.

Resource of the Week: game: cross numbers

Maths games can be great for improving knowledge and this one we borrowed from the site, which is part of their extensive free resources.

Feeling confident about 2x, 5x and 10x tables? Why not have a go at this cross number? Just drag the numbers across to the correct squares. Easy peasy if you know your tables! If you get stuck the answers appear in red, but only for a short time.


Coming Soon: Multiplication and percentages

rocket1Two maths worksheets for year 2 coming up next week. One looks at a vital part of understanding the process of multiplication: that it can be done in any order. This is also true of addition, but not of subtraction or division.
Setting up a little shop and buying and selling things has always been a great part of early maths, but usually this activity is limited to adding up and giving change. It can be used equally well to reinforce multiplication skills, as our worksheet shows.
We will also be publishing the second of our percentages worksheets for Year 5. It is typical of the English that we manage to write per cent in two different ways. Unlike the Americans who use ‘percent’, we use two words ‘per cent’, apart from when we write ‘percentage’ when we put it altogether.

Resource of the Week: Venn diagrams and triangles


Most of the maths worksheets you find free on the internet tend to be number based. But not here on mathsblog! There are two parts to this free maths worksheet on classifying shapes, both involving Venn diagrams. The idea is to put either the names of shapes or drawings of shapes in the correct areas of the Venn diagram. Continue reading “Resource of the Week: Venn diagrams and triangles”

Coming soon: Multiplication, division and negative numbers

plane3aOne of the best ways of explaining multiplication is to think of it as repeated addition. So, a multiplication such as 4 x 3 is the same as adding 4 three times (4 + 4 + 4) or 3 lots of 4. We have an excellent page on this coming up next week, thanks to

We also have the next worksheet in our series of dividing mentally. This page will look at dividing larger numbers by 100. All the numbers are multiples of 100 so there will be no decimals involved with the answers.

Ordering negative numbers can prove tricky but we have a great page on this next week, suitable for Year 5 children. Putting two numbers in order on a number line follows one simple rule; the number to the right is always the larger number of the two. So -3 is smaller than -1.

Resource of the Week: Counting in twos

If you have young children don’t forget to go to our fun maths games. Here we have Colin Caterpillar and his chums who love eating apples two at a time. Help him count up in twos. There are plenty more in our Free Maths Interactive Games section aimed at helping 5/6 year old children with counting, addition, subtraction etc.


Maths Games and Worksheets links

monkeyWhilst browsing my stats I can see that a lot of you are missing the links at the top of the page which go to the games and worksheets. The maths worksheets, in particular, are organised in a much better way from these links (by year and topic) than by going down the right hand side (Categories) where they are organised chronologically.

Hope this is of help.

Coming soon: Percentages, fractions and metric units

rocket1Much has been made of percentages and even in High Schools students find them tricky. However, the basis is pretty straightforward and next week we have a percentage worksheet which looks at finding percentages of amounts of money or measurements. A key factor in being able to do this type of question is to be able to work out 10% of an amount mentally.

Quite closely related to finding 10% of numbers is the second in our series of dividing by 10 with decimals. The questions on the forthcoming page should all be completed mentally as all it involves is moving each digit one place to the right and ensuring that a decimal point is placed between the units and tenths.

We really are concentrating on year 5 next week as the third of our worksheets will be about converting metric units, suitable for the 9/10 year old.

Resource of the Week: Written multiplication


We have an ever increasing number of maths worksheets explaining how standard written addition, subtraction, multiplication and division should be carried out. This is just one example of  ‘short multiplication’. It leads on from the earlier worksheets on ‘Moving towards a standard method’. These can all be found in our Four Rules section, under written multiplication.

Before starting this type of sum a good knowledge of times tables is needed.

The stages are as follows:

Step 1: write the sum out correctly

The question may be put in a different layout eg 38 x 7 =

Make sure it is laid out with the units under each other as shown on the example. Continue reading “Resource of the Week: Written multiplication”