Year 3 maths worksheets: Counting and Number

We have a great set of worksheets for Counting and Number for year 3. There are pages which require grouping objects in to fives and tens to help with counting. There are also worksheets on counting back in tens, including crossing the hundreds boundary which can be tricky.

We have several worksheets which use number tracks to count as well as some revision exercises for those less confident with counting on and back. Slightly harder are the pages on finding half way between two numbers. A number line is always useful for this kind of work.

Go to our Year 3 Counting and Number for maths worksheets

More than or less than signs

Many years ago, when I was a child the ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ signs were not introduced until I had passed the eleven plus and gone to Grammar School. Today, children in Year 3 are expected to recognise and understand the signs. As they are so similar this is somewhat ambitious, but I have published a page to help.

> means ‘is more than’

< means ‘is less than’

From year 1 children have been used to working with the terms ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ but this does not mean that they will understand and use the signs (especially as to many children it looks like the same sign flipped on its side). The way I remember it is that the arrow always points to the smaller number.

A key point in trying to become familiar with the signs is to read out loud number sentences so just as you can say that

3 +4 = 7 (three add four equals seven)

you can say that 3 + 4 > 6 (three add four is more than six).

This page can be found in our Year 3 Counting and Number category.

More than less than signs

Counting in halves and quarters

Here is a worksheet that is difficult to find anywhere else, but covers an important aspect of counting ie counting in halves and quarters. The sheet looks at counting forwards and backwards and certainly the counting back in quarters requires concentration.

The final question asks for a number line from 0 to 4 to be drawn and then all the whole numbers, halves, quarters and intermediate eighths to be included. Completing this successfully will show a good understanding of quarters and eighths ie that 1/2 is the same as 4/8 etc.

This can be found in our year 3, Counting and Number category

Count forward and backward in halves and quarters

Year 3 maths worksheet: Halving

Here is a page for checking understanding of halving. The numbers to halve are all multiples of 10 so it is important that children are confident with halving numbers up to 20 before trying this. By Year 3 children should be knowing these halves off by heart.

The questions with a whole ten answer are very straightforward. The tricky bit is halving a number such as 70. Probably the best approach to begin with is to split the 70 into 60 and 10. Halve the 60 (that’s 30) and halve the 10 (that’s 5) and add the 30 and 5 to make 35.

After a while this will become second nature as the process is mentally ‘internalised’.

This can be found in our Year 3 Calculating category.

Half of multiples of 10

Year 3 maths worksheet: Multiples

A multiple is a number produced by multiplying a starting whole number by another whole number. Think of them as the numbers in the multiplication tables.

eg 3 x 4 = 12.

12 is a multiple of both 3 and 4.

The term ‘multiple’ is introduced much earlier than it used to be 30 or 40 years ago and now it is used in Year 3. This page looks at multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 with a simple yes or no answer. Those children who know their tables should find this quite easy. If tables are not known it becomes quite hard!

This maths worksheet can be found in our Year 3, Know Number Facts category.


Year 3 maths worksheets on measuring

We have an increasing number of maths worksheets covering measuring for Year 3. Reading scales where the divisions are not all labelled is an important aspect of this and we have a tricky page on reading length.

For those who think that miles should still be taught we have a couple of pages of working out distances using miles.

For those who prefer metric we include three worksheets on measuring in kilometres as well as choosing the most sensible units of measurement.

We also have a couple of estimating and finding lengths of time.

Go to our Year 3 measuring worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheet: finding half way (2)

I’ve had a number of requests for another page to go with the ‘Finding half way’ sheet published earlier. This is suitable for Year 3 children. It is interesting to see how they tackle this without any help. Some will find techniques using the number line and others will find it very difficult.

Certainly use the number line to work out half way, but children also need to be shown that by adding the two numbers and then halving the answer will also give them the correct answer.

At this stage we are keeping to smaller multiples of 10 but this method applies to finding halfway between any pair of numbers.

Half way between_(2)

Year 3 Shape worksheets

In year 3 the range of shapes that children are expected to know increases vastly. To help with this we have some great maths worksheets on 2D and 3D shape. These include pages on prisms, recognising and naming 3D shapes such as cylinders, pyramids, cuboids and the properties of quadrilaterals.

A 9 pin geoboard is a great resource and we include plenty of ideas on how to use these to help with recognising shapes such as pentagons. There are also some mini investigations such as ‘how many different shapes can you make with 2 triangles?’

Visit our Year 3 shape section

Year 3 maths worksheet: money

This is the second page on reading train prices and working out the costs of single and return journeys. The numbers are slightly harder on this page and jottings could be helpful, especially on the questions which require two  steps to reach an answer. When working out the amount of change given it is often easier to add on from the cost to reach the money given, rather than do a subtraction. It is a pity that shop assistants just dump change into the palm of your hand rather than counting it out as they used to do many years ago!

Train tickets (2)

Year 3 maths worksheet: Using correct units of measurement

Here is something slightly different from the usual maths worksheet. It is a diary of events which assesses how well children understand units of measurement and whether they can choose the most suitable unit or not.

The units include:

time: seconds, minutes, hours, days

capacity: millilitres, litres

length: centimetres, metres, kilometres

Children have to circle the most sensible of the units of measurement shown. (No Imperial measures!)

This is suitable for Year 3 children and can be found in our Year 3 Measuring section.

My day: chose suitable units of measurement