Y3 Counting and Understanding Number
Counting and back in tens as well as counting in the hundreds is expected in year 3.
ARevise counting on and back
Counting by grouping into tens
Revise counting back in tens (2)
Count in the hundreds in steps of 1 (pg 1)
Count forward and backward in halves and quarters
B Counting in tens and hundreds
Counting in tens (pg 1) crossing the hundreds
Counting in tens crossing the hundreds boundary (2)
Count on in 10p crossing hundreds
3202-01 Counting in tens (pg 1a)
3202-02 Counting in tens (pg 2a)
3202-03 Revise counting back in tens (pg 1)
3202-04 Revise counting back in tens (pg 2)
C More than and less than
D Understanding relationships between multiplication and division, addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division corresponding (pg 1)
Understand relationships between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
E Multiples