Know Number Facts: Year 3

Y3 Knowing and Using Number Facts

Children should know number facts to 20, eg know that 6 + 8 = 14 rather than counting up or using apparatus to help them.

Mental Arithmetic

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 1 and 2)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 3 and 4)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 5 and 6)

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic (sets 7 and 8  )

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic: (sets 9 and 10)

Year 3 mental arithmetic: (sets 11 and 12)

Year 3 mental arithmetic: (sets 13 and 14)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic: (sets 15 and 16)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 17 and 18)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 19 and 20)

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic: (sets 21 and 22)

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic (sets 23 and 24)

Year 3 mental arithmetic: (sets 25 and 26)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 27 and 28)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 29 and 30)

Year 3 mental arithmetic sets 31 and 32

Year 3 mental arithmetic: (sets 33 and 34)

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic (sets 35 and 36)

 Year 3 Mental arithmetic (Sets 37 and 38)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 39 and 40)

 Year 3 mental arithmetic_(sets 41 and 42)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 43 and 44)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic (sets 45 and 46)

Year 3 Mental arithmetic_(sets 47 and 48)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 49 and 50)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 51 and 52)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 53 and 54)

Year 3_mental arithmetic:_(sets 55 and 56)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 57 and 58)

Year 3 mental arithmetic_(sets 59 and 60)

Year 3 mental arithmetic: (sets 61 and 62)

Year 3 mental arithmetic_(sets 63 and 64)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 65 and 66)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 67 and 68)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 69 and 70)

Year 3 mental arithmetic (sets 71 and 72)

A Know addition and subtraction facts

Subtract from a teen

Doubles 1

Double multiples of 5

Complete number sentences (pg 1)

Complete number sentences (pg 2)

Make a thousand (pg 1)

Make a thousand (pg 2)


BFurther addition and subtraction facts

Know by heart addition facts to 20 (pg 1)

Know by heart addition facts to 20 (pg 2)

Make 19

Make 20

Add 9 to 2-digit numbers

Subtract 9 from 2-digits

C Multiplication facts

3x table calculator game

Calculator game: multiples of 3

Missing numbers 4x table

4x table calculator game

Calculator game: multiples of 4

5x table calculator game

Calculator game: multiples of 5_larger numbers

Calculator game: Multiples of 10


D Division facts

Division practice (1)

Division practice (2)

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