Calculating: Year 6 maths worksheets

Calculating: Year 6 maths worksheets

Children are expected to be able to calculate mentally using whole numbers and decimals. They will use efficient, standard methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will also be able to decide when using a calculator is appropriate.

A Maths worksheets on revising understanding addition

How to add three 2-digit numbers (pg 1)

Practice adding three 2-digit numbers

Addition of decimals (pg 1)

Addition of decimals mentally (pg 2)

Mentally add 3-digit numbers (pg 1)

Mentally add 3-digit numbers (pg 2)

How to add two 3-digit numbers (written method)

Football stadiums


B Maths worksheets on revising understanding subtraction

6402-01 Revise understanding subtraction (pg 1)

6402-02 Revise understanding subtraction (pg 2)

6402-03 Revise understanding subtraction (pg 3)

C Maths worksheets on multiplication (see 4 rules pages as well)

Revise multiplying decimals (1)

Revise multiplying decimals (2)

Egyptian multiplication

D Maths worksheets on calculating fractions

Equivalent fractions (pg 1)

Equivalent fractions (pg 2)

Equivalent fractions (pg 3)

What fraction of… (pg 1)

Adding fractions that total more than 1 (pg 1)

Adding fractions that total more than 1 (pg 2)

Adding fractions

E Maths worksheets on division (see 4 rules pages as well)

Divide by 10 and 100

Divide by 10 and 100 (2)

One thought on “Calculating: Year 6 maths worksheets”

  1. Grt resource. I find it really valuable for revision and consolidation of hands-on maths practice which no amont of online practice can replace……
    One little thing I stumbled on to which needs yr attention: 6402-02 says subtraction but goes on to decimal addition.
    Tnx for the tireless inspired work.

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