Whizz Maths online – web review

Maths online whizz education

whizzWhizz education. Claiming to be the leading UK online maths tutor for children aged between 5 and 12. Started in 2006. Whizz say that it is just like having your own private tutor at home for as long as you like, although they recommend only 45 minutes a day.

The lessons are in the form of animations, inspiring children and giving help when they don’t understand a concept.

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Maths lessons at teatime?

maths lessons at teatime

The Daily Mail highlights pupils at four primary schools who have become the first in Britain to be given the choice of starting lessons at different times of the day to fit in with parents’ busy schedules.

The pupils in Plymouth, Devon have two options. They can now start lessons at 7.45am or 11am rather than the traditional 8.45am, depending on which their parents prefer.

An obvious advantage is to reduce congestion on the roads – pretty bad where I am during school time. It has also been shown in some studies that older children do not learn as well first thing in the morning, so a well worthwhile experiment!

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Hands up in class!

hands up in class

Do you know how your children react in the classroom? Are they keen to put their hands up, or are they quiet and reserved, perhaps avoiding eye contact? This subject came to mind as the ‘hands up in the classroom’ debate was highlighted by Alan Johnson the Education Secretary, this week.

I’m sure most people remember their school days when the only way permitted to speak was via a hands up sign, and then only when selected by the teacher. Now this is coming into question and I can see why.

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