The final game in our calculator series looking at tables and multiples. Once again the idea of the game is to get four counters in a row, this time on a multiples of 9 grid. Recognising multiples of 9 is relatively easy as the digits always add up to 9 or a multiple of 9. But knowing exactly which multiple is needed is much harder. Why not challenge your children?!!
Tag: calculators
Year 5 Calculator game: 9 times table
Here we have a calculator game for two players. As well as the calculator you need the printed grid and some counters. Take turns to choose a number on the grid. Enter a number on the calculator that you think will produce the number in the square when multiplied by 9. if correct place a counter on the covering that number. Then it is your opponents turn. The aim is to get a line of four counters in a row, either across, down or diagonally.
These calculator activities can be found in year 5: Knowing Number Facts
Year 5 Calculator game: 8 times table
This page is another in our calculator series, this time for the 8 times table. The grid has a selection of multiples of 8 up to 10 x 8. The idea is to play with a partner, choose a square and then enter a number on the calculator that you think will produce the number in the square when multiples by 8. if successful place a counter on the square. The aim is to try and get four in a row.
Remember that if the 8 times table is not known, multiplying by 8 can be achieved by doubling, doubling and doubling again.
This page can be found in our year 5 section under Knowing Number Facts
Year 5 Calculator game: Multiples of 7
This is the next in our series of calculator activities and is certainly one of the hardest. It looks at multiples of 7, including numbers above 10 and will test children’s knowledge of the 7 times table to the full. Again, the idea is to play with a partner and cover 4 squares in a row, either across, down or diagonally.
This can be found in Year 5, under Knowing and Using Number facts.