Free Y5 maths worksheet: Writing large numbers

These are not easy: there are millions of adults in the UK who can not write 12 120 012 in words!

count imageNow we are getting to the real nitty-gritty of reading and writing large numbers up to millions. These are not easy: there are millions of adults in the UK who can not write

12 120 012 in words!

How to approach it if not sure?

1. Think of the number in blocks of 3 – that’s why they are written with a small gap between each block of 3 (in the UK we sometimes use a comma).

2. Each block of 3 is hundreds, tens and units.

3. The second block of 3 is HTU of thousands.

4. The third block is HTU of millions.

So, starting with the first block of 3 (012): is twelve

The second block (120) is one hundred and twenty: but it is one hundred and twenty thousand.

The third block (12) is twelve, but it is twelve million.

So the whole number is:

12 million, one hundred and twenty thousand and twelve.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Writing large numbers (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Writing large numbers (pg 2)

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