Year 3 graphs

There are two main aspects to graphical work, one is to collect and organise data and the other is to interpret the results whether shown as a graph, pictogram etc.

This page looks at interpreting a bar chart showing the number of packets of crisps sold by a corner shop over the course of a week. One of the main concepts here is that the vertical axis is labelled in twos rather than just going up in ones. This means that children must be able to read from unlabelled axes for the first time.

There are plenty of simple calculations here with questions such as, ‘How many more packets of crisps were sold on Sunday than on Friday?’ but there are also questions to make children think a little more carefully about what the bar chart is showing. These are more open ended, with no one correct answer and are good starting points for discussion.

Bar charts


Year 4 measurement word problems

Word problems can cause children quite a few problems as they have to work out what mathematical operation(s) to carry out to reach the right answers. This page is a set of word problems all to do with measurement, including time.

In order to reach the correct answers children need to be able to calculate and know about metric measurements. For example, question 1 asks:

Two tables are 65 cm and 87 cm long. What is their total length in metres.

Not only do they have to add 65 and 87 to get 152, but then convert this to 1.52 metres.

Other questions involve calculating in quarters and doubling the weight of the ingredients for making flapjacks; an early introduction to ratio.

Measuring word problems (1)



Year 3 maths: adding with 2013

Knowing how much I like anything mathematical to do with dates, those kind people at have let me publish a nifty little investigation to introduce the new year of 2013.

It is a simple idea; how many different addition questions can you find by just using the four digits, 2013.

At first it would be a good idea to look at adding two single digit numbers. Then there are the possibilities of adding a 2-digit number to a single digit; then adding two 2-digit numbers, and so on.

This is good practice at addition as well as encouraging logical thinking and presenting results in a well ordered, methodical way.

There are plenty of extension ideas with this investigation. For example the digits could be used twice, or the numbers could be multiplied rather than added, or even a mixture of the two

e.g. 2 x 0 + 1 = or 2 x 1 + 0 =

Subtraction could also be used, which might well lead on to negative numbers.

This page can be found in the year 3, Using and Understanding Maths category.

Addition using 2013

Dividing by 3 table

In recent years there has been a call for children to not only learn the times tables but also the equivalent division tables. Of course this is the inverse of the 3x table and for children who know this there should not be much of a problem learning this. There are advantages to be had as it can lead to quicker mental arithmetic when carrying out written long and short division. So, here have have a quick look at learning facts connected to dividing by three and an exercise putting this knowledge into practice.

Divide by 3 table

Worksheet on problems involving measurement

By the end of year 3 children should be confident with using comparative terms such as taller, shorter, longest etc. They should know that:

1 kilometre = 1000 metres

1 metre = 100 centimetres

1 kilogram = 1000 grams

1 litre = 1000 millilitres

They should also begin to recognise simple fractions and convert between units, such as that 3 and a half kilometres is 3500 metres.

Rulers should be used to a fair degree of accuracy.

This worksheet covers some aspects of this and would be a good assessment or homework sheet.

Measurement problems

Year 3 maths worksheet: adding 3 numbers

Here we have another page of addition which looks at adding three numbers. Each number is a multiple of 5, but there is an extra twist in that children need to work out how many different additions can be made from the numbers available.

A systematic approach is needed, perhaps starting with the largest three numbers;

i.e. 75 + 65 + 55

then moving on to the next largest;

i.e. 75 + 65 + 45

and so on.

An important part of this is to understand that addition can be done in any order so 75 + 65 + 55 is the same as 55 + 65 + 75.

More adding three numbers

Resource of the Week: half way between

This week I am highlighting a page which, on the face of it this looks quite a simple task, but many children (and adults) find very tricky. The page is on how to work out what half way between two numbers is. Often there is a lot of ‘trial and improvement’ going on in people’s heads as they guess their way towards finding half way.

Two methods make the task fairly straightforward.

For method one a number line is very useful to start with. Put a finger of the left hand on the first (lower) number shown on the number line and a finger of the right hand on the second number. Then move the left hand finger one place to the right and the right hand finger one place to the left. Repeat this until the two fingers meet – that is your half way number.

The second way of finding half way involves two steps:

step 1: add the two numbers.

step 2: halve the answer.

This is the better method as it works for all numbers, not just those shown on the number line.

This page can be found in our Year 3, Counting and Number section

Half way between_(1)

Year 3 maths worksheet: adding three numbers

Here we have a simple page which looks at adding three multiples of ten to make a variety of whole hundreds. It is quite open ended as there are many possible answers and the page could be repeated several times or used as the starting point for a mini investigation.

The page could be answerred very simply eg 280 + 10 + 10 = 300

but encourage children to make it as tricky as possible to show how good they are at maths;

e.g. 30 + 120 + 150.

This page can be found in our Year 3 Calculations category, together with many others.

Revise addition of three numbers

Year 3 maths worksheet: revise adding two teen numbers

Here is a revision page on adding two teen numbers mentally and is probably best suited to year 3 children but could also be very useful for older children who are not confident with adding 2-digit numbers.

As I have said before, it is interesting that when we add ‘in our heads’ we often do it in a very different way than if we were using pencil and paper methods. For example 15 + 16 can be done several ways, non of which is significantly better or worse than another.

method 1: add the two tens to make 20. Add 5 to make 25 and then add (or count on) 6 to make 31.

method 2: add 10 to 16 to make 26 and then add 5 to make 31.

method 3: add 10 to 15 to make 25 and then add 6 to make 31.

method 4: recognise that 15 + 16 is nearly double 15 which is 30 and then make an adjustment of 1 to make 31.

Revise addition of two teen numbers

Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 71 and 72

Here we have the last sets of mental arithmetic questions for year 3. The complete pack of 72 sets of ten questions can be used in 12 week blocks over the three terms, using two sets each week. Probably the most important part of this whole process is to ask how children go about answering the questions and discussing with them different approaches, some of which are much quicker and easier than others.

If children can answer these last two sets of questions quickly and correctly then they will be very well set up for the next year and will have a sound base on which to progress.

Questions this week include:

doubling 2-digit and 3-digit numbers

finding halves of 3-digit multiples of 10

change from £5.00

further money problems

time questions such as the number of weeks in a year.

Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 71 and 72