Resource of the Week: know number facts in year 2

A lot is expected of children in Year 2, especially what they should know off by heart when calculating. By the end of the year they should:

•    know all addition facts for two numbers up to a total of 10.      (eg 4 + 5.)

•    be able to derive subtraction facts for numbers up to 10.     (eg if they know that 6 + 3 = 9, they can instantly work out that 9 – 6 = 3.)

•    know all the pairs of whole numbers which total 20.    (eg 16 + 4.)

•    know all the pairs of multiples of 10 which total 100.   (eg 30 + 70.)

•    know the doubles of whole numbers up to a total of 20.  (eg double 7.)

•    understand that halving is the inverse of doubling and hence derive halving facts from their knowledge of   doubling.   (eg if double 8 is 16, then half 16 is 8.)

•    recall 2, 5 and 10 times-tables.  (eg know 5 x 6.)

•    work out related division facts.   (eg if 5 times 2 is 10, then 10 divided by 5 is 2.)

Now, that is quite a lot to know with instant recall, and they will need plenty of practice to achieve this. Why not go to our Year 2 Knowing and Using Number facts to help them on their way?

Year 2 Knowing Number Facts

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