Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

counting imageThe first of these two free maths worksheets tries to get across the idea that multiplying a number by ten and then multiplying by ten again is the same as multiplying by 100. To multiply by 100 we simply move each digit of the number two places to the left. Continue reading “Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100”

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

count graphicMultiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 are fundamental in our system of arithmetic. These concepts will eventually be used in work involving negative numbers, decimals and percentages so it is important to have a sound understanding of what is going on.

Once again, and I will never get tired of saying it:

NEVER say ‘to multiply by 10 we add a nought.’

This might seem to work for whole numbers, but it leads to misunderstandings with decimals: 3.55 x 10 is not 2.550!

The ideas to get across are;

When multiplying by 10 the digits move one place to the left.

When multiplying by 100 the digits move two places to the left.

When dividing by 10 the digits move one place to the right.

When dividing by 100 the digits move two places to the right.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Multiply and divide by 10

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Converting units

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Converting units

measure imageJust a quick exercise in converting metric units from small to large and vice versa. This is not easy and as stated before a good understanding of both the metric system and place value is needed to be able to do this.
It is probably easier to convert large units to smaller:
Eg 3.5 litres = 3 500 ml
Continue reading “Free Y5 maths worksheet: Converting units”

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Use known facts to add or subtract mentally

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Use known facts to add or subtract mentally

knowChildren still need to develop their addition and subtraction skills in year 5. These two worksheets concentrate on adding a single digit to a number in the thousands; the answer being in the next thousands.

eg 3 997 + 6

They are also asked to explain how they did it. This could be done orally or on paper. A good knowledge of place value is needed so they might explain by saying, “I added 3 to make 4000 then added the extra 3 to make 4003.”

Not as easy as they look, but this kind of addition should be done “In your head” rather than on paper.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Add a single digit to thousands (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Add a single digit to thousands (pg 2)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Choose the operation and the method

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Choose the operation and method

usingmaths1These are very similar to the year 4 sheets, using all four operations, but with larger numbers.

The Operation box requires what method was used: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

The Method box requires how it was done; either mentally or on paper eg “I did this in my head because I know my 4 times table.”

The How box asks for the reason why the method was used: eg ” I divided by 4 because there were 4 equal chapters”.

It might be that children use a calculator if they have one available and there is no harm in this; the questions are designed to show what needs doing. If they don’t know what to do the calculator will be of no help!

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Choose the operation and method (pg 3)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Choose the operation and method (pg 4)

Free Y5 maths worksheets: 3-D shape

shape 2Two very similar worksheets looking at the properties of 3-D shapes. Counting the number of faces, edges and vertices can be quite tricky and it is easier to do if there is a shape to look at and pick up.

Tetrahedron and octahedron are two new shapes to learn about. A tetrahedron has four faces whilst an octahedron has 8.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: 3-D shape (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: 3-D shape (pg 2)

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Revise relationship between addition and subtraction

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Revise relationship between addition and subtraction

calculate 2Two free revision worksheets, similar to the year 4 work on relating addition and subtraction, but with larger numbers. If children have not come across this type of exercise before then it is very valuable practice.

It is a concept which the Primary Framework for Mathematics emphasises and is important for maths later during secondary school and GCSEs.

Given one piece of information children should be able to deduce three more. For example: If 187 – 39 = 148


187 – 148 = 39

and 148 + 39 = 187

and 39 + 148 = 187

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Revise relationship between addition and subtraction (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Revise relationship between addition and subtraction (pg 2)

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Investigate subtraction.

free Y5 maths worksheet

know2Some revision here of subtracting multiples of ten from 3-digit multiples of 10. By this stage children should feel quite confident of doing this and be able to explain clearly the methods that they are using. They should also be able to find all the pairs of whole tens to make totals (eg 140) in a logical and well ordered way so that no pairs are missed.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Find the difference (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Find the difference (pg 2)

Maths worksheets: Partition numbers and place value. Y5

Maths worksheets: Partition numbers and place value Y5

countingBy year 5 children are expected to be able to read and write some seriously large numbers. A really good understanding of place value is needed to read large numbers successfully. The key to looking at a number and working out how to say it lies in separating the number up into a series of hundreds, tens and units.

Let’s look at 123 456 789 Continue reading “Maths worksheets: Partition numbers and place value. Y5”

Maths worksheets: Probability. Y5

Probability, certain, likely, unlikely, impossible

data 1Probability brings with it a whole new set of vocabulary and concepts. By the end of year 5 children should be familiar with the following terms:

perhaps, might, fair, unfair, likely, unlikely, equally likely, chance, certain, uncertain, probable, possible, impossible, good chance, poor chance, no chance, equal chance, even chance, evens, fifty-fifty chance, likelihood, probability, possibility.

The two worksheets below concentrate on children being able to say whether events are impossible (such as cows giving birth to hens), unlikely (such as tossing a die and getting a 4), likely (such as waking up tomorrow) or certain (such as throwing a normal die and getting a number from 1 to 6). Finding events which are either certain or impossible are often much harder than you might think.

5701-01 Probability (pg 1)

5701-02 Probability (pg 2)