Maths Worksheet: Decimal Fractions, hundredths

decimal-fractions-hundredths-y5Reading decimal fractions can get quite tricky when moving into hundredths and this maths worksheet is a good test of understanding, probably most suited for year 5 children (/10 yrs old).

0.24 can be read as 24 hundredths or 2 tenths and 4 hundredths. As a fraction it would be written as 24/100.

With a number such as five and three hundredths it is important to keep the zero in the tenths so that it is written as 5.03.

Watch out for a common mistake on a question such as twelve hundredths when children write 0.012; the one digit has been placed in the hundredths column when it should be in the tenths with the 2 digit in the hundredths.

Decimal fractions: hundredths (pg 1)

Maths Worksheet: Rounding Decimals p1

rounding-decimals-y5-p1Rounding decimals follow the same rules as rounding whole numbers. This first maths worksheet looks at rounding tenths to the nearest whole number. If the tenths are 5 or more round up to the next whole number. If they are less than 5, round down; in other words keep the units the same.

Some children get slightly confused by the term ’round down’ as they think they have to make the units one less (ie 14.3 rounded is 13). Watch out for this mistake.

In real life different rules can apply eg if you have a cupboard 115.4 cm in length it is no use rounding this measurement down to see if it fits in a space. The space may be 115 cm but the cupboard won’t fit!

Rounding decimals (tenths) pg 1

Year 5 number worksheet: Tests of divisibility for multiples of 3 and 6

divisible-by-3-and-6This page continues with our series on tests of divisibility.

To find out whether a number is exactly divisible by 3:

Add up the digits of the number.

If the total is divisible by 3 then so is the number.

Eg: 345

3 + 4+ 5 = 12.

12 is divisible by 3 so 345 is also divisible by 3.

To find out if a number is exactly divisible by 6:

Check that it is even.

If it is even, apply the test of divisibility for 3. If the total of the digits is divisible by 3 and the number is even, it is also divisible by 6.

Eg 348

348 is even.

3 + 4+ 8 = 15.

15 is divisible by 3 so 348 is divisible by 6.

Divisible by 3 and 6

Year 5 number worksheet: recognise tests of divisibility for multiples of 9 and 10

divisible-by-9-and-10This maths worksheet is another in our set on rules of divisibility. Knowing these rules will really help children in their maths up to the end of High School and beyond.

The rule for dividing by 10 is the easiest of them all:

If the whole number ends in a 0 then the number is divisible by 10.

The rule for 9 is also easy, but it does require a little adding up:

Add up all the digits. If the total of the digits is divisible by 9 then the whole number will be.

Example: 2304

2 + 3 + 0 + 4 = 9

So 2304 is divisible by 9.

Example: 9630

9 + 6 + 3 + 0 = 18

18 is divisible by 9 therefore 9630 is also divisible by 9.

The second part of the worksheet asks which numbers are divisible by both 9 and 10. Probably the best way to do this is to ignore any numbers that do not end in a zero, then add up the digits of the rest and see if they come to a multiple of 9.

If they do, and the last digit is a zero, then they are multiples of both 9 and 10. Easy!!

Divisible by 9 and 10

Year 5 Maths worksheet: More equivalent fractions

more-ordering-fractions-p1Here we have some more work on understanding equivalence in fractions.

The first question looks at simple equivalence between halves, fifths, tenths etc and asks which fractions are less than a half. The quick way to work this out is to see if the top number (numerator) is less than double the bottom number (denominator) – if it is then it is less than one half.

The second question requires an understanding that a fraction such as four fifths can be changed to an equivalent fraction such as eight tenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number (in this case 2, but it will not always be 2). All the fractions need to be changed to the same denominator which in this case would be 30.

The other questions are all aimed at improving understanding of equivalence.

More ordering fractions

Year 5 maths worksheet: square numbers 1

square-numbers-1This worksheet has a 10×10 multiplication square which is a brilliant aid to helping with tables, but it is also excellent for showing the pattern of square numbers from 1 to 10.

A square number is made by multiplying a whole number by itself. eg 4 x 4 = 16.

16 is a square number.

It is quite useful to learn the first 10 square numbers off by heart:

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100.

We will look more closely at square numbers later.

Square numbers (pg 1)

Year 5 Maths worksheet: Place value with decimals

place-value-with-decimals-1By Year 5 children should have a good understanding of place value and know that the value of a digit is dependent on its place in the number. eg the 6 in 3.6 is six tenths, whilst the 6 in 16.4 is 6 units. This worksheet should demonstrate whether this concept has been understood. It asks that the value of the digit 6 is written down for each number shown, working with numbers up to to decimal places. This could be done as numbers or in words. Talk about the decimal fraction 0.6, that it can be read as six tenths or 6/10 and that 0.06 is six hundredths or 6/100.

Place value with decimals (pg 1)

Year 5 Maths Worksheet: Multiplying a 3-digit number

multiply-3-by-1p1This is an intermediate step in the progress towards developing an efficient, standard method of multiplication on paper. It presumes a good knowledge of times tables before starting.

An important part of this process which is often neglected, is that an estimate of the answer should be quickly worked out ‘in your head’ before beginning the written answer. This can be done by quickly rounding the numbers.

For example: 637 x4 is round about 2400.

This intermediate process does the sum 637 x 4 in four parts:

1. Multiply the hundreds 600 x 4

2.Multiply the tens 30 x 4

3. Multiply the units 7 x 4

4. Add the 3 answers.

The first three stages can be reversed, multiplying the units first.

Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number

Year 5 maths worksheet: equivalent fractions

equivalent-fractions-1Understanding equivalence in fractions is the key to successfully understanding fractions.

This maths worksheet looks at simple equivalence between halves, fifths, tenths etc. The first question asks which fractions are more than a half. The quick way to work this out is to see if the top number (numerator) is more than double the bottom number (denominator) – if it is then it is more than one half.

The second question requires an understanding that a fraction such as three fifths can be changed to an equivalent fraction such as six tenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number (in this case 2, but it willl not always be 2).

Equivalent fractions pg 1

Maths worksheet: revise mental addition

5401-07Here is a maths worksheet on addition for year 5 which challenges children to use all the mental methods of addition that they have developed.

One of the key features of adding mentally is that it is usually done in a different order than when using pencil and paper methods. When adding two 3-digit numbers it is usually much easier to start with the hundreds, then add on the tens and finish with the units: the opposite of standard written addition. Also remember to look for pairs of numbers that make 10 or 100, especially when adding three numbers.

This page is not as easy as it looks!

Year 5: revise mental addition