Calculating: Year 5 maths worksheets

Calculating: Year 5 maths worksheets

In year 5 children should extend their mental methods for calculating with whole numbers, working with larger numbers. They should use efficient written methods of addition and subtraction, including decimals and have a good understanding of place value to multiply and divide by 10, 100 or 1000. They will also be using efficient, standard written methods of multiplication and division.

A Maths worksheets on revising understanding addition

5401-01 Mental addition of three numbers (pg 1)

5401-02 Mental addition of three numbers (pg 2)

5401-03 Revise relationship between addition and subtraction (pg 1)

5401-04 Revise relationship between addition and subtraction (pg 2)

5401-05 Mentally add larger numbers (pg 1)

5401-06 Mentally add larger numbers (pg 2)

5401-07 Revise mental addition

Written addition of several numbers (1)

Written addition of several numbers (2)

Add 3 2-digit numbers practice

Written addition of 3-digit numbers

Addition: missing digits


B Maths worksheets on revising understanding subtraction

5402-01 Revise understanding subtraction (pg 1)

5402-02 Revise understanding subtraction (pg 2)

5402-03 Understand subtraction and its relationship to addition (pg 3)

In out function machines (1)

In out function machines (2)

Subtraction: missing digits

C Maths worksheets on mental multiplication

Complete multiplication number sentences (1)

Complete multiplication number sentences (2)

Complete multiplication number sentences (3)



D Maths worksheets on written methods of multiplying (see also four rules)

Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number

Multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number (2)

E Maths worksheets on dividing mentally (see also four rules/division)

Division problems to calculate mentally

Division problems (2)

4 thoughts on “Calculating: Year 5 maths worksheets”

  1. Hi

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    I went on this Website to try to find year 5 maths worksheets. This Website is really useful because it gives you an option of lots of different worksheets and because they are easy to find.

    Thank’s again,

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