News from Free cookbook for children
One of the best ways of improving children’s knowledge of the metric system is by using practical activities. Cooking is an excellent way of getting to grips with grams, ml etc. So it was good today to see the government encouraging young children to learn to cook by publishing a cookbook that headteachers can order and distribute free of charge.
The recipe ideas have all been nominated by the general public as those which all children should be able to cook and include such delicacies as cheese sauce, beef curry and cottage pie. Good to see that they are using metric units, but I would like to see a few raisins added to the coleslaw recipe.
They are also available from the teachernet site in pdf format.
Cern, Higgs Boson success start
Well the end of the earth has not happened. Scientists at Cern have successfully fired two protons round the Large Hadron Collider this morning.
Probably the most famous and expensive experiment ever set up it deserves our encouragement and enthusiasm. Plenty of maths and physics on show!! I’m not going into detail here about the Higgs Boson particle etc, but it is just the kind of news that we need if we are ever going to encourage young people to take up Physics and Maths at A level rather than Media Studies or Tourism!
As Dr Shears explained
“Our experiments are so huge, so complex and so expensive that they don’t come along very often. When they do, we get all the physics out of them that we can.”
Free Y4 maths worksheet: revise addition
Free maths worksheet from

It has been a while since I posted anything for year 4 so here is a maths worksheet on addition. It is good revision of the terms: ‘What is the sum of…’, ‘What is the total of…’, ‘How many altogether?’ and ‘increase….by…’.
These terms should all be familiar to children in year 4 and they should be able to carry them out in their heads.
When adding three numbers in your head it is a good idea to start by adding all three tens and then adding on the units eg
25 + 36+ 51.
Add the 20, 30 and 50 to make 100.
Then add 5 to make 105, then 6 to make 111 and finally 1 to make 102.
Note this is by all means not the only way to do it!
Free Y3 maths Worksheet: Make 1000
Free maths worksheet from
1000 is a very large number for children working in Year 3 and one which is difficult to imagine the size of. The sheet asks how many different ways can two numbers be added to make 1000, using only whole hundreds.To be able to do this children need to be confident with their numbers up to 10 and be able to know which pairs of numbers add up to 10.
As an investigation it is very similar to asking how many ways can 100 be made only using whole tens.
Free Y2 maths worksheet: Count back
Free Y2 maths worksheet from
Many children find it harder to count back than count on. This is quite a simple page as it does not involve counting back through a whole ten. Sometimes children will count back using their fingers. Hopefully as confidence grows they will be able to see some answers straight away, eg Count back 5 from 46 is 41 because they have remembered that 6 – 5 is 1.
Balls to end SATs?
News from
For the first time Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, has hinted that there might to be an end to SAT tests as we know them for our 11 year olds.
On the telly today he told Andrew Marr,
“The current system is not set in stone. We are looking currently at a way in which we could assess progress child by child with individual level tests where the tests would be chosen in a way which was right for the child, rather than everybody doing the same test on the same day. For 2009, we are going to do the same kind of tests as in previous years before the problems with ETS, but for the long term I am really keen to get this right, to listen.”
After this summer’s fiasco then it must be applauded that he is considering alternatives, but, of course, there is every chance that we end up with something even more bureaucratic, if that’s possible. We will wait and see!
Free maths worksheet: adding 1 and 2 to a single digit
Free maths worksheet: year 1 investigating numbers
Free maths worksheet: year 1 investigating numbers
Free maths worksheet from investigating numbers
Here is a follow up to a simple number investigation using 3 boxes and some buttons. It looks at how many different ways 10 buttons can be placed in 3 boxes.
Much the best way to do this is practically and it is a suitable activity for children much older than Year 1. It allows for the making of rules eg can I put all ten buttons in one box and leave the others empty? it also encourages logical thinking and careful recording to ensure that the same combination is not repeated.
What influences children’s achievement by the age of 10?
What influences children’s achievement by the age of 10?
Well that’s something we would all like to know, but a recent study from the University of London, published in the journal ‘Science’, suggests that there are a number of crucial factors, including:
1. the education of the child’s mother
2. playing word and number games at home
3. going to a good pre-school nursery or primary school
A good home learning environment is crucial and this is often created by mothers who have a good educational background themselves – a fairly obvious statement I would think.
However, there are plenty of cases where a mother’s lower level of education is more than made up for by creating a good home learning environment. Reading stories, singing nursery rhymes and playing games involving shape and space are all factors.
Professor Melhuish goes on to say,
“The results indicated that home learning environment, pre-school effectiveness and primary school effectiveness all make separate, significant impacts.”
So go on, get the board games out and spend a great afternoon playing and talking with your children – it does them good!
Free maths worksheets: wordsearch make 24
Hope you have all had a pleasant summer holiday, even if the weather has not been brilliant.
Here is a nice little starter for all those 10/11 year olds going back to school next week. Oh well, just think of all the peace and quiet at home during the day!
Free maths worksheet: Wordsearch make 24