Resource of the Week: Decimals that make 10

decimals-with-a-total-of-10Here we have mental arithmetic maths worksheet on decimals, most suitable for Year 5. This page looks at pairs of decimals that make 10. Once again there are several ways of tackling these questions.

One way is to add on from the smaller number, firstly, the tenths to make the next whole number, and then the units to make 10.

eg 10 – 6.7

Count on from 6.7 to 7 which is 0.3

Then count on from 7 to 10 which is 3

Answer 3 + 0.3 = 3.3

Another way is to count on the units first and then the tenths, but beware the answer which counts on 4 from 6 to make 10 and than counts on 0.3 as this will result in an answer which is one too many: a common slip-up.

Another way of doing this is to ignore the decimal and think of the question as 100 – 67. Work it out mentally (which is 33) and then convert back to 3.3.

Decimals with a total of 10

Year 4 maths worksheet: Division with remainders

Here is another page where the remainders from division are written as fractions. Children need a good knowledge of tables to work out the division ‘in their heads’ and this is probably best suited to Year 4, aged8/9+ years old.

The remainder goes on the top line (numerator) and the bottom number (denominator) is the number you have divided by.

This is a much neater finish to the question as the whole number is divided completely, with no messy remainders. Some of the fractions could be cancelled down to their simplest form, although this is not essential at this stage.

Division with fraction remainders (pg 2)

Year 1 3D shape worksheet

The best way to learn about 3D shapes is to handle them but it is also important to recognise drawings of them on paper. Four shapes which children should be familiar with are the cube, cuboid, cylinder and cone. here we have a page which asks children to recognise these shapes and colour them accordingly.

Thanks to for letting me use this page from their huge collection of resources for Early Years.

3d shape (pg 1)

Coming soon: 3D shape, division with remainders and percentages

A real cross section of resources coming up next week. To start with we have a 3D shape page for year 1. The best way to learn about 3D shapes is to handle them but it is also important to recognise drawings of them on paper. Four shapes which children should be familiar with are the cube, cuboid, cylinder and cone.

Next we have another page where the remainders from division are written as fractions. Children need a good knowledge of tables to work out the division ‘in their heads’ and this is probably best suited to Year 4, aged8/9+ years old.

Also next week there is a straightforward introduction to finding 10% off multiples of 10p up to a pound. This is ideal for year 5 children with a good understanding of multiplication and division by 10.

Calculator game: Multiples of 2

multiples of 2_larger_numbers

This is a harder version of the 2x table calculator game, published earlier in that the grid has larger multiples of 2. All you need is the grid, some counters or cubes and a calculator. Set the calculator up as a 2x table answer machine by keying in 2, x, x, =, 0 and then all you need to do is press a number and the equals sign and it will show the answer to the number multiplied by 2. Just type in the next number, press equals and so on…

Once again, the aim of the game is to make a line of four in a row in any direction.

Multiples of 2

Resource of the Week: Adding decimals mentally

adding-decimals-mentally-2Mental arithmetic is the key to success with calculating. At first glance you might reach for a pencil to do a sum such as 2.5 + 4.7. However, the Primary Framework for Maths suggests that children should be competent in adding two 2-digit numbers in their heads, and there is no reason why, with a little practice this can’t include adding two decimals. The most common approach is almost identical to adding tens and units. Continue reading “Resource of the Week: Adding decimals mentally”

Year 4 Maths: Multiplication and addition

This is the second worksheet which looks at multiplication and addition. The rule is that the multiplication should be worked out before the addition, whatever the order of the question.

This is a good mental arithmetic exercise but children may need to jot down the answer to the first part (multiplication) before moving on to the addition.

Multiplication with addition_(pg 2)

Year 4 maths worksheet: Multiplying by 10 or 100

Remember the golden rules about multiplying:

When a number is multiplied by 10 it moves one place to the left.

When a number is multiplied by 100 it moves two places to the left. if this leaves a gap in the units or tens and units a zero must be inserted as a ‘place holder’.

Don’t get dragged into saying ‘add a nought’ because this doesn’t work with decimals eg 1.5 x 10 is not 1.50!!

This page can be found in our Year 4: Calculating section.

Multiply by 10 or 100

Coming soon: Multiplying and calculators

Next week we concentrate on multiplication together with a calculator activity.

The first worksheet is a reminder of the golden rules about multiplying:

When a number is multiplied by 10 it moves one place to the left.

When a number is multiplied by 100 it moves two places to the left.

The second worksheet looks at multiplication and addition with another golden rule. The rule is that the multiplication should be worked out before the addition, whatever the order of the question. This is a good mental arithmetic exercise but children may need to make jottings to help them.

We also have a harder version of the 2x table calculator game, published earlier, in that the grid has larger multiples of 2.

Calculator game: 3x table

Similar to the 2x table game published last week, this is a game of strategy for two players to help improve knowledge of the 3x table. The aim of the game is to place counters over the numbers to get four in a row, either across, down or horizontally.

The Player must say which number they are going for before typing in the multiplication on the calculator and can only place a counter if correct. Try it!

3x table calculator game