Maths Resources: Written Addition

One of the most popular parts of the site for parents is our Free Maths Worksheets: Four Rules pages on written addition.

Many parents think that the methods they were taught at school (and for many this would be in the mid 1990s) are different from today. This is only partly true. Since the onset of the Numeracy Strategy and later the Primary Framework for Maths the emphasis has been on preparing children properly so that they understand the written methods they use. So there is a lot of preparation work and methods often called, ‘Moving towards the standard written method’ that may not be familiar to parents, but the end result is pretty much the same. It is these intermediate stages which some parents find puzzling.

The standard written method is to lay out the sum vertically, with the numbers to be added under each other. The units are added first, then the tens and so on. We have several worksheets which explain this method in full.

Go to Written Methods of Addition

Year 5 maths worksheet: written addition

Rarely, if ever, will you find a SATs addition question which has been laid out already in the traditional, or standard method. This Year 5 maths worksheet on written addition is the second in a series which shows children clearly how addition should be laid out and also gives them the opportunity to re-write questions from a horizontal lay out to a vertical layout. The hardest part of this is to ensure the numbers line up under each other, starting with the units on the far right. Squares can help with this in the early stages, but children should also get used to laying them out correctly without squared paper.

This pager can be found in our Year 5 Calculating section. Similar pages, with more detailed instructions, can also be found in our Four Rules section.

Written addition of several numbers (2)

Year 5 maths worksheet: addition

One of the things which children find quite hard to do is to set out a question in the best format. In the Key Stage 2 tests addition problems are rarely, if ever, set out in the standard form that children learn.

This page tries to help with the addition of two 3-digit numbers. The first 10 questions are set out in the standard way, but the next ten are written across the page. When faced with questions like this it is important to re-write the sum to have the best chance of success. Of course, it is important to keep the numbers in line (units under units, tens under tens etc) and squares have been provided to help with this.

A very useful page for those who are still uncertain about how to approach these questions.

Written addition of several numbers (2)

Year 5 maths worksheet: written addition

By the end of year 5 children should be confident with written methods of addition. This worksheet is a stage in this process. Some of the questions are set out how they should be. The later questions need to be set out in the same way. It is important to make sure that units are lined up with units, tens with tens etc and squared paper can be a help with this.

Remind children that when adding three digits that they can be added in any order: look for pairs that make 10 or other combinations that they recognise instantly.

This page can be found in the year 5 Calculations section. Similar resources can also be found in the Four Rules section.

Addition of several numbers (1)

How to add two 3-digit numbers

This is a year 6 revision sheet to help children who are still not confident with adding. The method implies a good understanding of place value. At one time it was fashionable for schools to use square paper to carry out written sums but this has tended not to be the case in recent years, making it harder for children to line the numbers up correctly.

When using the standard written method of addition it is important to  lay the sum out correctly, keeping the columns neatly in line. The method is to add the units first, put the units in the answer and ‘carry’ any tens into the tens column, underneath the answer. Then add the tens in the same way, remembering to include any ten which has been carried forward from the units. finally add the hundreds in the same way.

How to add two 3-digit numbers

Year 4 maths worksheet: More addition and subtraction

Here is a second page of questions on adding and subtracting multiples of 10, which year 4 children should be able to take on and answer rapidly.

It is always fascinating to ask children how they work things out in their heads. Let’s look at 330 + 90.  I would do this by adding 100 to make 430 and then subtracting 10 to make 420. It could also be done by adding 33 and 9 to make 42 and adjusting to take account of the hundreds; and there are other ways. Any way which reaches a correct answer is OK, but we are really looking for methods which are very fast and if children are not using them they should be shown.

Rapid response: Add and subtract (2)

Year 4 worksheet: Rapid addition and subtraction

Sometimes it’s useful to have a page that tests how quickly children can respond to a set of questions – and here is one. This Year 4 maths worksheet looks at addition and subtraction of whole tens. There are 30 questions and children who have a good grasp of adding single digits should be able to transfer their skills and answer these quite quickly.

Whilst being aimed at year 4, it could also be used with older children who are unsure of mental methods of addition and subtraction.

Rapid resonse: add and subtract (1)

Year 4: Revise adding to 50

Here is a snappy little worksheet to check that children can add on from 2-digit numbers to make 50. There are several different mental strategies that can be used, but the most efficient is usually to count on to the next whole ten and then count on in tens to 50.

Watch out for a common error whereby children add on to make 10 and then add on again from the original tens number; this will give them a total 10 more than is correct.

Revise adding to 50

Practice adding three 2-digit numbers

Whilst the Primary Framework for Mathematics has little to say about addition of whole numbers in Year 6 it is still worth revising skills and developing fast technique, especially with mental arithmetic.

Here we have a consolidation page of adding three 2-digit numbers, using all the techniques developed so far.If children find this difficult it could be that they are unsure of their basic number bonds, in other words how quickly can they add two single digit numbers. This should be almost instantaneous, if not it might be worth practising over the summer holiday!!

Practice adding three 2-digit numbers

How to add three 2-digit numbers in your head

Here we have a number of simple tips and practice at adding three 2-digit numbers mentally.

By Year 6 children should have a wide range of techniques at their fingertips for adding mentally.

Some of the tips on this page include:

starting with the largest digit

adding the tens before the units

looking for pairs that make 10

add the nearest whole ten and adjust (eg add 39 by adding 40 and subtracting 1)
How to add three 2-digit numbers