Resource of the Week: Standard metric measures

With the Olympic Games just beginning now is a great time to brush upon those standard metric units of measurement. No longer do athletes run 100 yards or a mile: in fact the Olympics have always been metric and it is the system that all children are taught in school.  By Year 4 children should be quite familiar with the main metric units of measurement and should know the following:

1 kilometre = 1 000 metres

1 metre = 100 centimetres

1 metre = 1 000 millimetres

1 centimetre = 10 millimetres

1 kilogram = 1 000 grams

1 litre = 1 000 millimetres

It is a good idea to tell children that mille is Latin (and French) for 1 000, not one million!

This page is a good check of understanding this and getting children to use these units of measurement.

Standard metric units

Year 5: converting metric units

Just a quick exercise in converting metric units from small to large and vice versa. This is not easy and as stated before a good understanding of both the metric system and place value is needed to be able to do this.
It is probably easier to convert large units to smaller:
Eg 3.5 litres = 3 500 ml
Converting small to large can bring problems with place value
Eg 740 cm = 7.4 metres or 7.40 metres. Either is correct.
By now children should know all the facts about the metric system and there is not a lot of point in attempting this if they don’t.

This page can be found in our year 5 measuring worksheets

Convert metric units

Year 4 maths worksheet: Metric units of measurement

By Year 4 children should be quite familiar with the main metric units of measurement and should know the following:

1 kilometre = 1 000 metres

1 metre = 100 centimetres

1 metre = 1 000 millimetres

1 centimetre = 10 millimetres

1 kilogram = 1 000 grams

1 litre = 1 000 millimetres

It is a good idea to tell children that mille is Latin (and French) for 1 000, not one million!

This page is a good check of understanding this and getting children to use these units of measurement.

Standard_metric units

Maths worksheet: Converting metric units (2)


This is another maths worksheet which looks at converting a larger metric unit to a smaller one, and is suitable for Year 5 children who have a good grasp of the metric system. Even so, don’t be surprised if children make mistakes with these, especially when multiplying by ten, one hundred or one thousand. Continue reading “Maths worksheet: Converting metric units (2)”