URBrainy free maths worksheet: early years counting

Free maths worksheet from mathsblog.co.uk

We are lucky enough to have limited access to some of the URBrainy worksheets for early years. These really are presented very well and are a great set of resources for children just starting off with maths. Here is a simple counting worksheet.

Many more can be found at urbrainy.com

Counting up to 5 gorillas pg 1

Maths vocabulary for Year 1 (Calculations and solving problems)

maths vocabulary list from mathsblog.co.uk

There is an excellent list of the vocabulary children need to understand and use in the reception worksheet section. The following list has the new words that they should come across in school during year 1 to do with calculating and solving problems. (According to the Primary Framework for maths and Numeracy Strategy.)
Words to do with calculating and solving problems:
plus                                      near double
how much more is…?             how much less is…?
subtract                                minus
half                                       halve
equals                                  sign
number sentence

The attached pdf has all these words written twice: once so that they can be traced over and larger so that they can be cut out or used as ‘flash cards’ etc.

Maths vocabulary for Year 1 (Calculations and solving problems)

Free Y1 maths worksheet: solve puzzles and investigate

Free maths worksheet from mathsblog.co.uk

The term investigation often seems a little frightening to parents and indeed, some teachers. But a maths investigation can be very simple, as shown by this year 1 maths worksheet.

The question is, “I am three years older than Sammy. How old could we be?”

This is a fairly open ended question, with many possible answers. However, some are not possible eg the elder can not only be 2 years old.

Investigations are all about asking questions; what is the oldest they could possibly be? Why? etc.

Solve puzzles and investigate (pg 7)

News: too much homework?

Tiffin Boys’ School, a well respected private school, has cut the amount of homework given to pupils. The students used to do anything up to 4 hours a night, but the head teacher, Sean Heslop, says that this is too much and the quality of the homework set was poor; often ‘repetitive’ or ‘mechanistic’. He has cut the amount to 40 minutes a night, following the lead of some other well known public schools.

Homework is not complusory, but the government likes it and recommends that all children of primary school age should be doing at least 30 minutes a night, rising totwo and a half hours for older children. many teachers hate it, seeing it as a pointless ritual of giving and marking mundane tasks just because they have to.

I agree with the head of Tiffin when he says,

” If there’s one way to put students off learning, that’s the way to do it.”

Homework has always been a difficult issue for many parents, far better if they spend some quality time with their children pursuing other interests.

Maths vocabulary for year 1 (numbers)

Vocabulary list from mathsblog.co.uk

We have extensively covered the maths vocabulary that children in reception are expected to come across. The following lists are the new words that they should come across in school during year 1 to do with numbers and the number system.
If a child does not respond to a mathematical question it may be because they do not understand the words or instructions used. Another difficulty can arise when a mathematical term has a different meaning in everyday English eg ‘table’.
Words to do with number:
ones     tens     exchange    digit     teens number
equal to     roughly     half-way between
eleventh     twelfth     thirteenth     fourteenth
fifteenth     sixteenth     seventeenth
eighteenth     nineteenth     twentieth
(all these are frequently used when stating the date; eg it is the thirteenth of February.)
The attached pdf has all these words written twice: once so that they can be traced over and again larger so that they can be cut out or used as ‘flash cards’ etc.

Maths vocabulary year 1 (number system)

News: maths teaching poor! Or is it?

It seems that our schools are not teaching maths as well as they should. Ofsted reports that although test results have improved, understanding of the subject had not. Put simply, teachers are teaching for the tests.

Not a surprise really, when schools are judged on their test results. But now comes the weird bit; when you look at the figures:

“The effectiveness of work in maths was judged to be outstanding in 11%, good in 44% and satisfactory in 40%”

To me and you that adds up to 95% of lessons being satisfactory or better. But, of course Ofsted don’t count ‘Satisfactory’ as being good enough.

Chief inspector Christine Gilbert said: “The way mathematics is taught can make a huge difference to the level of enthusiasm and interest for the subject.

“As well as developing fluent numeracy skills to deal with everyday mathematics, children and young people need to be able to think mathematically, model, analyse and reason.”

She added: “We all benefit from the advanced mathematics that underpins our technological world”

Hard to disagree with that.

Free maths worksheets: subtracting from 10

Free maths worksheets from mathsblog.co.uk

Here are another two worksheets for early subtracting. They concentrate on subtracting a single digit from 10 and use the conventional signs for subtract and equals. At first children will probably ‘add on’ from the lower number to 10. Eventually it will be important that children know all the pairs of numbers that add up to 10 so that they can answer these immediately without going through the ‘add on’process.

Subtract from 10 p1 and p2

Free Y6 maths worksheet: further rounding

Free maths worksheet from mathsblog.co.uk

Rounding numbers can often cause problems, even with older children.

When rounding to the nearest 1 000 the key figure is the hundreds digit.
If the hundreds digit is 5 or above, round up. If it is below 5, round down.

Eg 3 750 is 4 000 to the nearest 1 000.
3 199 is 3 000 to the nearest 1 000

(Note that it does not matter what the tens or units digits are, it is the HUNDREDS digit which must be looked at.)

Be careful that when rounding, children do not write:
2 345 = 2 000
because 2 345 does not equal 2 000.

2 345 is 2 000 ‘to the nearest 1 000’ should always be added. Continue reading “Free Y6 maths worksheet: further rounding”

Free Y5 Maths worksheet: metric problems

Free maths worksheet from mathsblog.co.uk

This is another maths worksheet for year 5 on standard units of measurement and will show clearly whether the metric system is understood.

The questions ask for fractions of metric units eg half of a kilometre or one tenth of a kilogram. Because it is a metric system finding one tenth or one hundredth of the units is very easy, especially compared to the old fashioned and out of date imperial measures.The tricky bit usually is remembering whether there are 100 or 1000 parts in the whole unit – that just has to be learned. The other complication for some children who relate ‘mille’ with a million, when it is, of course, a thousand.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Metric problems


Free Y4 maths worksheet: counting more than/lessthan

Free maths worksheets from mathsblog.co.uk

Counting in tens might seem easy, especially by year 4.

However, there are many children who do find difficulties, especially when crossing the hundreds and thousands boundaries. One such difficulty might show itself if asked to write down ten more than 1097, which is 1107 or ten more than 2896 which is 2906.
Even harder might be ten less than 4006, which is 3996.

Don’t take it for granted that your children can do this as a really good understanding of place value is needed.

Ten more than/less than (pg 2)