Maths worksheets: Standard units of measurement. Y4

Maths worksheets: Y4 Standard units of measurement

measureThe metric system is so easy to understand. Take length for example: no 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard or 1760 yards in a mile. It’s all tens, hundreds and thousands! By Stage 4 (8/9 yrs old) children should know the standard units of measurement for length, including the abbreviations.

mm (millimetres) cm (centimetres) m (metres) and km (kilometres) . Continue reading “Maths worksheets: Standard units of measurement. Y4”

Maths worksheets: Problems with miles. Y3

Maths worksheets: miles

measureHere we have two maths worksheets dealing with miles. Unfortunately, the UK has only half dealt with the metric system and whilst children are taught all about centimetres, metres and kilometres, we choose to continue to use the mile as a unit of measurement. (Yes that distance which is 1760 yards!!)

Children still need to be able to work with miles, the most obvious use being on road signsa nd road maps.

3601-01 Problems with miles

3601-02 Problems with miles

Maths worksheets: Centimetres and metres. Y2

Maths worksheets: centimetres and metres

measure The key to measurement in the early years is to see it as a way of comparing. Year 2 children should continue to make comparisons, saying which is longer, shorter etc. Measuring using a ruler can be introduced in year 2 (5/6 years old), but make sure that a centimetre ruler is used and that when measuring a line start at the correct end ie. start at zero. Many children will ignore this to begin with. When measuring a length always estimate (have a guess first) eg “I think this line is about 10 cm long”. Continue reading “Maths worksheets: Centimetres and metres. Y2”

BBC-BackPage: web review

bbcbackpageBBC BackPage

Interesting idea – a place for parents, grandparents and carers to share video clips about how to help children with their maths homework. This is a prototype site which will be up and running for just 4 months to begin with. It is organised into year groups (just like this blog!) but not all year groups are covered yet. Continue reading “BBC-BackPage: web review”

Fizz Buzz: Book review

fizzbuzzFizz Buzz: 101 Spoken Numeracy Games – Ideal for Mental Maths

Now, I am often asked what kinds of activities can parents do with their children at home to encourage mathematical thinking and to speed up knowledge of tables, addition etc. Well this book supplies many of the answers. The key is in the rest of the title: “101 Spoken Numeracy Games.” It covers pretty much everything in calculating and knowledge of number for primary school children and is aimed at mental arithmetic rather than pencil and paper maths. Continue reading “Fizz Buzz: Book review”

Free Y1 maths worksheets: Shorter and taller.

free maths worksheets measurement

measureDeveloping and using the correct mathematical language for measurement of length is crucial and the following terms should be used as often as possible so that children can understand their meaning and use the terms themselves with accuracy. This should be done before standard units (cm, miles etc) are introduced. Continue reading “Free Y1 maths worksheets: Shorter and taller.”

Maths worksheets: Revise tables and square numbers. Y6

maths tables and square number

CountingBy year 6 children should have a very good working knowledge of all tables facts up to 10×10. In fact, the Primary Framework suggests that children should know their tables at a much earlier age. However, there is no harm in a little revision!They should also be able to react quickly to questions such as “How many eights make 56?”

The first page is a revision sheet. Use it to find which tables are proving to be more difficult – usually it is the 6, 7 and 8s which pose the problems.

Square numbers come up on the second sheet. Once again children are expected to know square numbers at least up to 10×10 – after all they are only a part of their tables. Once they know that 6 x 6 is 36, if they have a good knowledge of place value they will be able to work out that 60 x 60 is 3600.

6301-01 Tables square challenge

6301-02 More tables questions

Maths worksheets: Revision of rapid addition. Y5

Maths worksheets: Y5 Revision of rapid addition

CountingBy rapid addition we mean almost instant – as quickly as answering your name. If this is to happen children need to meet quick calculations on a daily basis. They will enjoy the challenge and the success that they meet as their replies get quicker and quicker. The two worksheets below are just initial starters – most of this kind of work can be done instantly without paperwork. Set a target number, usually a whole ten below 100. Call out a number below your target and the task is to find the number to make the target. Easy!

5301-01 Make 50

5301-02 Make 80

Maths worksheets: Rapid addition and subtraction. Y4

Maths worksheets Rapid addition and subtraction

CountingHere’s some practice for your children at adding and subtracting multiples of ten. Essentially, they are using their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to work out harder questions. Knowing that 13 – 7 is 6 makes it easy to work out 130 – 70 = 60, but only if you understand place value! This is good revision for Year 4, and they are fairly straightforward as they do not cross the thousands boundary. If difficulties are found with these then it would be well worth going back to looking at addition and subtraction of single digits. Also, make sure your child can read the numbers correctly. A blank number line could also be very useful.

4301-01 Rapid addition and subtraction (pg 1)

4301-02 Rapid addition and subtraction (pg 2)

News: Dept. for Children, Schools and Families

major review of maths teaching in primary schools

Well, a new department is bound to mean new policies and new ways to teach children – even if some of these ways were around in the 50s!

In Janury 2007 the renewed Maths Primary Framework was implemented. Continue reading “News: Dept. for Children, Schools and Families”