Maths worksheet: Converting metric units


We have a growing number of worksheets on measurement and in particular the metric system. This is about as hard as it gets for converting larger metric units to smaller ones. The larger units all include decimals and a good knowledge of multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 is needed.

As a special treat the last question is really tricky; How many centimetres in 1.9 kilometres. I imagine that there are quite a lot of adults who would struggle with that one, but taken in logical steps it proves to be not so difficult. Find the number of metres in 1.9 kilometres, then find the number of centimetres in that amount. easy eh. It is quite interesting to look at other distances in terms of centimetres: journey home from school, length of a football pitch etc which would make for an interesting investigation.

This can be found in our Year 6 Measuring section

Year 6 Convert larger metric units to smaller (pg 2)

Year 4 subtraction

This page of mental arithmetic subtraction is most suited to year 4. The first 8 questions are straightforward subtractions of a single digit from a multiple of 100. By year 4 children should be quite confident with these, although there are several different approaches which can be taken to reach the answer. For instance: 300 – 8 can be done by counting back 8 from 300, or by subtracting 10 and adding 2.

The last three questions ask for a written explanation of how the answer was worked out.

This can be found in our Year 4 Knowing Number facts category.

Subtract single digit (2)

Year 6 SATs questions

January is usually the time when schools start looking seriously at the Key Stage 2 tests and what needs doing to get the best possible scores. Our Year 6 ‘Booster’ pages can help a great deal with this. Part of this resource looks in particular at time, with lots of questions matching those found in  the tests. We have four pages of questions involving finding how long it is from one time to another, the 24 hour clock, calendars and interprteting charts.

Try the year 6 SATs questions.

Year 3 maths worksheet: money

This is the second page on reading train prices and working out the costs of single and return journeys. The numbers are slightly harder on this page and jottings could be helpful, especially on the questions which require two  steps to reach an answer. When working out the amount of change given it is often easier to add on from the cost to reach the money given, rather than do a subtraction. It is a pity that shop assistants just dump change into the palm of your hand rather than counting it out as they used to do many years ago!

Train tickets (2)

Mr Wolf’s Week by Colin Hawkins

Mr.Wolf’s Week
Mr Wolf’s Week by Colin Hawkins is an old favourite and one of the best versions is the mini-pop up.
In this book the wolf is not very threatening, perhaps almost friendly in appearance.  It is a brightly coloured book which leads you through a week in the life of Mr Wolf. He wears different clothes each day of the week which co-incide with the type of weather. It rains on Mondays so he takes an umbrella with him etc  etc. The pages are really brightly coloured and funny.
Good for talking about the days of the week in the right sequence as well as talking about the weather.
There is not a lot of writing on the pages, but the illustrations give plenty of ideas to talk about, which is probably why it is a favourite in classrooms.

Year 6 Booster worksheets

January is the time of year that many parents and teachers start to look for extra resources for children to use in preparation for the KS2 tests.

This page is one of several imitating the style of the test questions, once again concentrating on place value and the knowledge that addition and subtraction are inverse.

For example, question 3 asks: ? + 25 = 42.

This can be worked out by subtracting 25 from 42, or by counting on from 25 to 42.

Excellent practice for the key Stage 2 tests!

This worksheet and other similar pagers can be found in our Year 6 Booster section of the site, written specifically to help with those tests!

Booster maths worksheet 8

Year 3 maths worksheet: Using correct units of measurement

Here is something slightly different from the usual maths worksheet. It is a diary of events which assesses how well children understand units of measurement and whether they can choose the most suitable unit or not.

The units include:

time: seconds, minutes, hours, days

capacity: millilitres, litres

length: centimetres, metres, kilometres

Children have to circle the most sensible of the units of measurement shown. (No Imperial measures!)

This is suitable for Year 3 children and can be found in our Year 3 Measuring section.

My day: chose suitable units of measurement

Old school methods better for learning?

Two studies recently published in the Science Journal would suggest that a couple of ‘old fashioned’ methods of learning are more effective than many of those used today.

Firstly, a study from the University of Stavanger suggests that writing things down rather than by typing helps with learning. Our brains receive more feedback from muscles and fingertips when writing rather than touching a keyboard. Also, it takes more mental effort and time and this is thought to help ‘imprint’ memories. I must admit to always thinking that recording on paper was a good way to learn and spent much of my time when revising for exams writing down what I knew. This would suggest that writing answers in maths is better done in a maths book, or worksheet than just keying in answers on a keyboard.

The second piece of research, from Purdue University, Indiana, says that reciting facts shortly after learning them is better than many newer educational methods such as mind mapping. Constant informal testing and reciting helps to reconstruct knowledge, both for short term and long term memory.

Year 3 maths worksheets: Know Number facts

Year 3 is a time when children make huge strides forward in their mathematical thinking, as long as they have got a secure background knowledge. With over 20 pages to choose from, our worksheets in the Know Number Facts reflect this development. We have worksheets on knowing addition and subtraction facts with numbers up to 20,  doubling numbers and subtracting from a teen number.

We also have a number of pages dedicated to calculator games. The aim of these is to use the calculator as a means of showing knowledge of tables and multiples of 3, 4, 5 and 10, not just as a means of working an answer out.

Division, of course, is much easier if tables are known and we have a growing number of pages of division questions.

Go to our Year 3 maths worksheets on knowing number facts

The Shopping Basket by John Burningham

41bg2e0ampl-sl160-The Shopping Basket (Red Fox picture book)

The Shopping Basket by John Burningham is a great little book which will be thoroughly enjoyed by young children whilst at the same time helping them with counting and subtraction. Steven is a little boy who is asked by his mum to go round to the local corner shop, taking the shopping basket with him to bring back 6 eggs, five bananas, four apples….etc. The scenario will be familiar to many children as a trip round to the corner shop is often the first time they are allowed out alone by their parents. However, this is not an ordinary trip to the shops as Steven meets all kinds of dangers on the way. These dangers come in the form of animals such as a bear, a monkey and a kangaroo,  demanding the contents of his shopping basket. Steven deals with the dangers in a variety of ways and arrives home safely – but will his heroic efforts be appreciated? John Burningham is one of the best writers of children’s books and this is one of his best – humourous, well illustrated and not to be missed.