Maths worksheet: More multiplying decimals by 10 and 100

Here we have another page on multiplying decimal fractions by 10 or 100. The method used today is to move each number one place to the left when multiplying by ten and two places to the left when multiplying by 100. The decimal point does not move. I seem to remember moving decimal points around when I was at school but this is certainly not recommended here.

When doing this with money it is worth remembering that two digits should always be written after the decimal point, so that £2.56 x 10 is not £25.6, but £25.60. (This is not an excuse for saying ‘add a nought’.)

Multiply a decimal by 10 and 100 (2)

Year 3 worksheet: counting in tens

These are a useful couple of pages for children entering Year 3 next term. Counting on and back will still be important in year 3, using up to three digit numbers. Grouping into tens or fives and using tally charts are both effective ways of counting larger numbers.

Children seldom get a chance to count a larger number of objects – somewhere between 30 and 60. By seeing and counting this many they become more able to estimate larger numbers and be able to give rough approximations rather than wild guesses.

Try similar exercises with heaps of coins, counters etc, dividing them up into fives or tens. A really good idea is to collect change (pennies etc) and guess how much of any one coin there is.

Counting by grouping into tens

How to add three 2-digit numbers in your head

Here we have a number of simple tips and practice at adding three 2-digit numbers mentally.

By Year 6 children should have a wide range of techniques at their fingertips for adding mentally.

Some of the tips on this page include:

starting with the largest digit

adding the tens before the units

looking for pairs that make 10

add the nearest whole ten and adjust (eg add 39 by adding 40 and subtracting 1)
How to add three 2-digit numbers

Coming soon: addition, counting and decimals

Next week we have a number of simple tips and practice at adding three 2-digit numbers mentally. Not the easiest task in the world and one beyond many adults, but there are a wide range of techniques children can have at their fingertips to make this easier.

Some of the tips on this page include:

starting with the largest digit

adding the tens before the units

looking for pairs that make 10

I will also be publishing a useful couple of pages for children entering Year 3 next term. Counting on and back will still be important in year 3, using up to three digit numbers. Grouping into tens or fives and using tally charts are both effective ways of counting larger numbers.

Also another page on multiplying decimal fractions by 10 or 100. The method used today is to move each number one place to the left when multiplying by ten and two places to the left when multiplying by 100. The decimal point does not move.

Calculator game: 7x table

Of all the tables, the 7x table is probably the least well known. The latest in our series of calculator games for two players helps with reinforcing the 7x table. Remember, as before, the aim of the game is to get four in a row, in any direction, before your opponent. A good knowledge of the 7x table will help with this.

This sequence of calculator games can be found in Year 3 and Year 4 Knowing Number Facts.

7x table calculator game

Maths puzzle: One to nine (1)

Here is a tricky little puzzle which is aimed at Year 6 or upper juniors (9/11). Ideal for wet breaks!

Using just the digits 1 to 9 complete the number sentences, both across and down, so that they are all correct.

A good knowledge of tables is needed, together with the ability to add and subtract mentally.

The hardest part of this puzzle is getting started and the best approach is to use trial and improvement by picking one row or column which can only have a limited number of possibilities. This might well not be the first row across or column down.

Looking at this particular puzzle the first row is a x b – c = 34. Start by looking at combinations of numbers that when multiplied make more than 34 (but not more than 43 as the maximum to subtract is 9) and then see which number can be subtracted to leave 34.

One to nine (1a)

Year 6 maths worksheet: Decimal fractions (2)

A similar page to one posted earlier, this again looks at decimal fractions and how to manipulate them. The first set of questions involve changing decimals, using either the multiplication or division keys of the calculator, in just one step.

The second set of questions use the add or subtract keys.

Whilst the calculator is used, nevertheless a good understanding of number and place value is needed to be able to do these quickly and efficiently.

Decimals with a calculator (2)

Resource of the Week: Year 5 division problems


As we get to the end of term here is a page which can be used to check that children can use a range of methods to solve division problems mentally.

It is important the tables are known so that the facts can be used. For example if it is known that 6 x 6 = 36, then 6 x 60 can be quickly worked out as 360, and in turn 360 divided by 6 is 60.

Another useful tip is when dividing by 5 mentally it is often possible to divide by 10 and then double the answer.

Please note: Factors need to have been taught before trying this page.

Division problems to calculate mentally (pg 2)

Year 3 maths worksheet: Make 12 investigation

Here we have a rather nice number investigation for Year 3. Using exactly 5 of the cards, how many ways can 12 be made?

It is probably a good idea to cut out the cards, or make your own, to make it much easier to move the numbers around to make the number sentences.

As with all investigations look out for a  logical, well ordered method, although at the beginning most children will work in a random fashion (as will most adults.) Once it is clear that there are a number of 2-digit subtractions that can be done it is important to show them in some logical way so that it can be seen that all possible combinations have been covered.

Rules can be changed or adapted: one of the first questions which might come up is ‘Can I use the cards twice?’ In the case of adding three single digits the plus sign needs to be used twice, but children can make their own rules for this.

Make 12 investigation

Year 5 maths worksheet: ratio and proportion

This is our second page on ratio and proportion, an area of maths which is less well covered than the traditional four rules but nevertheless involves key concepts.

An important part of this page is to be able to show the ratios in the simplest form. This process is similar to showing fractions in their simplest form, for example 6:4 can be simplified to 3:2 by dividing each by 2.

Remember, when finding the proportion of something the whole total of all items needs to be worked out. So to find what proportion of the total orders was tea, add up all the orders, which comes to 80. So the proportion of tea is 24/80. This can be simplified to 3/10.

Ratio and proportion (2)