Year 4 Maths Worksheet: division problems (pg 2)

division-problems-y4-pg2This is a follow up page to the earlier solving division problems in your head worksheet. This has a range of different ways of asking division questions which children need to be able to recognise and there are a range of methods that can be used to work out the answers mentally.

It is important the tables are known so that the facts can be used. For example if it is known that 6 x 6 = 36, then 6 x 60 can be quickly worked out as 360, and in turn 360 divided by 6 is 60.

Another useful tip is when dividing by 5 mentally it is often possible to divide by 10 and then double the answer.

Please note: Factors need to have taught before trying this page.

Division problems to calculate mentally (pg 2)

Maths worksheet: Writing fractions in words or numbers

writing-fractions-in-words-or-numbersReading and writing fractions remain a bit of a mystery for many children, but our cunning foxes can help. This worksheet looks at how to read and write fractions from halves to tenths using numbers or words.  As well as reading a fraction such as 1/3 as one third, it can also be read as a division sum: 1 divided by 3, or 1 divided into 3 equal parts, but this comes a little later.

These pages can be found in our Year 4 section, under Counting and Numbers.

Writing fractions in words or numbers

Coming soon: More fraction and division worksheets

cake2Next week we solve one of the mysteries of fractions with a foxy worksheet which looks at how to read and write fractions from halves to tenths using numbers or words.

We also have a cunning page on division for year 4. This has a range of different ways of asking division questions which children need to be able to recognise and there are a number of methods that can be used to work out the answers mentally.

Continuing on the division and fraction theme we have a Year 5 worksheet which relates them both. It can be a great help to see a fraction as a division calculation. For example 1/6 can also be thought of as one divided by six or one whole one cut into six equal pieces.

Year 2 maths worksheet: missing numbers on a number square

missing-numbers-on-a-number-square-pg-2This is the second page which looks in detail at a 1-100 number square and is excellent practice at understanding place value as well as counting.

A small section of the whole number square, just 4 by 3 is taken and most of the numbers removed. The skill is in replacing the missing numbers.

This can be done in a variety of ways. Probably the easiest way is to work across as each number is one more than the number to the left. One of the more interesting ways is to work down as each number is 10 more than the number above.

Missing numbers on a number square (pg 2)

Resource of the Week: Written addition

standard_addition_of_ 2digits_2We have a good selection of maths worksheets covering the standard written method of addition. We begin this with using just 2-digit numbers, although it should be pointed out that usually 2-digit addition should be tackled ‘in your head’.

The standard method is to add the units first, put the units in the answer, and ‘carry’ the ten into the tens column. Then add the tens.  detailed examples and plenty of preactice can be found in our Four Rules section under written addition.

Standard addition of 2-digit numbers (2)

Year 5 Maths Worksheet: Solving division problems (pg 1)

Year 5 Maths Worksheet: solving division problems

division-problems-y5-pg1By year 5 solving division problems ‘in your head’ get quite tricky and a very good understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division is needed. Questions involving sharing with remainders need to be solved which need both working out ‘tables’ and calculating the number left over.

It is always a good idea to ask children how they reached their answers as this can reveal a great deal about their mathematical thinking as well as their knowledge of ‘times tables’.

Here we have a page of division problems, all of which should be answered mentally, although ‘jottings’ may help.

Division problems to calculate mentally (pg 1)

Year 4 maths worksheet: comparing fractions

largest-smallest-equal-fractionsOnce the idea of equivalent fractions has been understood it becomes possible to compare two fractions to see which is the larger. The first thing to remember is that the larger the number on the bottom of the fraction, the smaller each part of the fraction is. So 4/100 is much smaller than 4/25.

Now this is also easy if the bottom number (denominator) is the same in each fraction eg 1/5 is smaller than 3/5.

The difficulty comes when the numbers are not the same. How do you compare 3/5 with 7/10?

The easiest way is to make the bottom number of each fraction the same, and in the case above this will mean converting the 3/5 into tenths. We can do this by multiplying the 5 by 2 to make 10 and we have to do the same with the top number, multiplying the 3 by 2. In this way 3/5 can be converted to 6/10.

3/5 and 6/10 are equal, or equivalent.

It is now easy to see that 6/10 is smaller than 7/10, so 3/5 must also be smaller than 7/10. Job done!

Later it will become harder to convert so that the denominators are the same; sometimes you have to multiply both fractions by different numbers, but this comes later! At the moment it is important to get the basics correct.

Equivalent fractions: comparing

News: Should children begin formal school lessons later?

books4Children should not start formal education (that’s sitting down to read, write do maths etc) until they are at least six. So says the devastating attack on our schooling by the largest study of Primary Education for 40 years.
The Cambridge Primary Review, led by Professor Robin Alexander recommends putting us in line with the rest of Europe by continuing with the play based learning which now goes on in Nurseries and Reception classes for at least another year.
They argue that many children are introduced to formal reading and writing before they are ready and are ‘turned off’ by a lack of success.
There is certainly a great deal to be said for this approach, as our European counterparts, including Wales, seem to be much more successful with educating their children. Many four and five year olds have not developed sufficiently to be taught to read and write at 5. They immediately start to fail, this leads to disenchantment and a negative attitude to the next 10 years of school life. It really is a waste of time and effort trying to teach children before they have matured sufficiently to understand the concepts involved.
The survey also calls for the abandonment of the SATs, claiming they are too narrow and not fit for purpose. Unfortunately, the Government do not appear to be listening.

Coming soon: Fractions, division and number squares

balloon1Understanding equivalence in fractions is probably the key which opens the door to understanding the whole world of fractions. One of the first things to remember about equivalence is that the larger the number on the bottom of the fraction, the smaller each part of the fraction is. So 4/100 is much smaller than 4/25. Also it is much easier to compare the size of two fractions if the bottom numbers are the same. Next week we look further at these ideas with a year 4 equivalent fractions worksheet.

By year 5 solving division problems ‘in your head’ get quite tricky and a very good understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division is needed. We also will be publishing a page with questions involving sharing with remainders, which need both working out ‘tables’ and calculating the number left over.

Also coming up soon is a further look at number squares for Year 2 children and is excellent practice at understanding place value as well as counting. A small section of the whole number square, just 4 by 3 is taken and most of the numbers removed. The skill is in replacing the missing numbers.

Year 6 Maths Worksheet: rounding decimals

rounding-decimals-y6-p2The second in our series on rounding decimals for year 6, this worksheet looks at rounding to the nearest whole number and to the nearest tenth.

When rounding to the nearest whole number, the crucial digit to look at is the tenths digit. If it is 5 or more then the units will round up; if it is less than 5 the units will remain the same.

When rounding to the nearest tenth the crucial digit to look at is the hundredth.
Difficulties can occur when a number that needs rounding up also changes the units and possibly the tens digits. For example 9.95 rounded up to the nearest tenth is 10.

Rounding decimals (pg 2)