Year 5 maths: Written multiplication

Here we have a second page of questions  which are an intermediate step in the progress towards developing an efficient, standard written method of multiplication. It presumes a good knowledge of tables before starting.

This method breaks the task down into four parts. For example: when multiplying 538 by 4, the four parts are:

1. multiply 500 by 4

2. Multiply 30 by 4

3. Multiply 8 by 4.

4. Add the four answers to reach the final answer.

Whilst this is a good method I prefer to work in the reverse order of starting with the units, then the tens and finally the hundreds, although if the child understanding what is happening it makes little real difference.

Multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number (2)

Written methods of multiplication

In our Four Rules, Multiplication category we have a range of pages which look at written methods of multiplication. Parents seem to have been confused by what is taught in school, but it is really the process leading up to the standard written method which has changed: the standard method itself is very much the same as when parents were children and even when grandparents were children!

The worksheets take a brief look at moving towards the standard method and then we have worksheets on:

  • short multiplication: multiplying 2-digits by 1-digit
  • multiplying 2-digit numbers by multiples of 10
  • multiplying 3-digits by 1-digit
  • multiplying money by a single digit eg £3.45 x 4
  • multiplying decimals eg 3.8 x 7

On most of these pages there are clear explanations of how to do them, which have been very popular with both parents and teachers.

Why not go to our Four Rules, Written Multiplication section?

Year 2 maths worksheet: multiplication in any order


Children in Year 2 are expected to know and understand an awful lot about how numbers work. Here we have a maths worksheet, one of a set from, which looks at a vital part of understanding the process of multiplication: that it can be done in any order. This is also true of addition, but not of subtraction or division.
This page shows that ‘2 lots of 4’ is the same as ‘4 lots of 2’, therefore 4 x 2 is the same as 2 x 4. It does not matter which way the answer is worked out, it will be 8.
This little piece of knowledge helps children with mental arithmetic and with learning tables. Each table which is learned gives further knowledge of other tables. Eg If you know 5 x 4 = 20 then you can quickly reverse the number sentence to 4 x 5 = 20.

Multiplication in any order (pg 1)

Year 6 maths worksheet: More revising multiplication

Here we have a follow up Year 6 maths worksheet to one published earlier, which looks at multiplying 2 digit numbers with a decimal point by one digit numbers. Nothing complex about this but it is a good check that children are confident with this before moving on to long multiplication using written methods. It is also a good test to see how well ‘tables’ are known as children who have a fast recall should be able to whizz through these quite quickly.

Some of these could be done mentally, but watch out for children who use a calculator and therefore show no working out. They should be carrying the units across from the tenths and showing this on the paper.

Revise multiplying decimals (2)

What’s New: Year 4 Multiplication

What have we got today? It’s the second in our multiplying by 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 worksheets, suitable for year 4 children or those who are beginning to know their tables.

The best way to learn tables is to recite them out loud eg ‘4 times 3 is 12, then shorten it to,  ‘4 3s are 12’, with the ultimate aim of being able to say the product for any two single digits without having to work it out.

Multiplication 3x 4x 6x 8x 10_(pg 20

Year 4: 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 times tables

How well are tables known? Here is a quick sheet to see how well the 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x and 10 times tables are known. Probably the two hardest of these are the 6 times and 8 times tables and whilst it is well worth knowing that the six times table is double the 3x table and that the 8x table is double the 4x table, there is nothing to beat actually knowing all tables off by heart, so that any answer can be given just as quickly as answering the question ‘What is your name?’

Children who know their tables well will find this page very easy. If they don’t know them it can take a surprisingly long time!

Multiplication 3x 4x 6x 8x 10x_(pg 1)

Year 4 Calculations: Multiplication with words

Here we have the second page which looks at the vocabulary used for multiplication questions. This can used as a quick check to see how well the language is understood as well as how well tables are known. Terms such as ‘lots of’, ‘multiply by’, ‘times’, ‘multiplied by’ are all important to know.

This can be found in our year 4 Calculations section but there are also a lot of other multiplication pages in our Four Rules section.

Multiplication_with_words_(pg 2)

Year 4 maths worksheet: Multiplication and addition

Here is another in our series of multiplication and addition, suitable for Year 4 upwards.

The rule is that multiplication should be worked out before the addition and in most of these questions that is fairly straightforward. However the questions towards the end are quite tricky.

Let’s look at 70 + ?? x 4 = 150

The best way to go about this is to go in reverse order; subtract 70 from 150 which leaves 80.

Then work out what number multiplied by 4 makes 80, which is 20.

Therefore the missing number is 20.

It is best to check this by going back to the original question; multiply 20 by 4 = 80 and then add 80 and 70 = 150, making the statement true.

Many children will find these very difficult to work out as they require several steps.

Multiplication with addition_(3)

Year 4 calculations: Multiplication with words

By year 4 it is expected that children have a pretty good knowledge of their tables, but, of course, they also need to know when multiplication is the correct option. This depends on having a good understanding of the vocabulary involved. Continue reading “Year 4 calculations: Multiplication with words”

Year 4 Maths: Multiplication and addition

This is the second worksheet which looks at multiplication and addition. The rule is that the multiplication should be worked out before the addition, whatever the order of the question.

This is a good mental arithmetic exercise but children may need to jot down the answer to the first part (multiplication) before moving on to the addition.

Multiplication with addition_(pg 2)