News: Lego 50 years old today.

legoLego is 50 years old today and there have been some amazing creations across the world by the masters of lego building over these years. Ross Crawford is one such master builder in Australia with a 4 metre long copy of Sydney Harbour Bridge.

In 2006, a team at Legoland in Billund, Denmark created a model of the world’s largest passenger plane, the Airbus A380 superjumbo.

Today, Lego’s bestsellers include its Star Wars, Lego City and Bionicle ranges. But the traditional eight-stud brick is still the foundation of the business.

If you have not got any other building materials then make sure you have some lego – ideal for counting and looking at 3-D shapes as well as building anything!

Booster maths worksheet 3

using2.pngSome more examples of the type of arithmetic questions that come up in the SATs. An interesting example is the question which asks to put the digits 7, 3 and 4 into the boxes to make the total of 41.

Sometimes there is more than one way to do this type of question and it is a matter of using ‘trial and improvement’ to solve it.

One good way to tackle it is to look at the units (in this case 1) and see which two digits added together will put a 1 in the units. The only option here is is to add the digits 7 and 4 (which make 11), put these in the units boxes and it is easy from there on.

Booster maths worksheet 3

Maths game: Counting two lots of things (cows and goats)

The first in our series of counting two lots of things, up to a total of 5.

The first in our series of counting two lots of things, up to a total of 5.

Farmer Giles has bought some goats to go with his cows.

Can you help him count the goats and cows?


Maths Vocabulary for Reception: Adding and subtracting

Here is the next list of the vocabulary that children at the end of their Reception Year (4/5 years old) should be familiar with. These words are all to do with addition and subtraction.

Here is the next list of the vocabulary that children at the end of their Reception Year (4/5 years old) should be familiar with. These words are all to do with addition and subtraction.
On the link is a set of pages with each word written in a large font size which can be copied, cut out and used as flash cards or as display. Cover them with sticky back plastic or if you have access to a laminator, even better! Continue reading “Maths Vocabulary for Reception: Adding and subtracting”

News: Test results delayed

There has been a delay in the publishing of the results of the new tests which might replace the dreaded SATs that children take at 7 and 11. Apparently there have been some unexpected patterns in the results, although both teachers and pupils have given positive feedback.
Rather than test everyone at the same time these tests will be given when the teacher thinks the child has reached a certain standard.
More on this from the BBC

Free Y4 maths worksheet: What must be added?

This maths worksheet gives some practice at adding on to make the next whole thousand.

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Counting in twos (pg 1)This maths worksheet gives some practice at adding on to make the next whole thousand. The questions are in the form of:

“What must be added to 3400 to make 4000?”

Continue reading “Free Y4 maths worksheet: What must be added?”

Sarsen Education Software:Worksheet Review

SarsenSarsen Education

One of the sites launched at the Bett Exhibition was Sarsen Education and I was hoping for big things from them. However, I have been somewhat disappointed. Despite some interesting graphics which children would really like, the program I looked at was not very original and costly. Continue reading “Sarsen Education Software:Worksheet Review”

Reception maths vocabulary: Comparing and ordering numbers

Here is the next list of vocabulary that children at the end of their Reception Year (4/5 years old) should be familiar with. These words are all to do with comparing and ordering numbers. Wherever possible they should be used in a practical situation.
After this list is a set of pages with each word written in a large font size which can be copied, cut out and used as flash cards or as display. Cover them with sticky back plastic or if you have access to a laminator, even better!

Reception maths vocabulary: Comparing and ordering numbers