Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

counting imageThe first of these two free maths worksheets tries to get across the idea that multiplying a number by ten and then multiplying by ten again is the same as multiplying by 100. To multiply by 100 we simply move each digit of the number two places to the left. Continue reading “Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100”

Free Y4 maths worksheets: More than/lessthan

Free Y4 maths worksheets: More than/lessthan

counting imageWriting a number one less than another 4-digit number appears to be easy, but a good understanding of place value is needed for these. It can get tricky around the hundreds or thousands boundaries eg one less than 9000 or one less than 2 600. Continue reading “Free Y4 maths worksheets: More than/lessthan”

Maths game: Counting on in twos.

Maths game: Counting on in twos.

Help Rachel Rocket and her friends launch into space by counting on in twos! A great little maths game for young children. Four numbers in a sequence of twos are given and they have to insert the next four numbers. Press the return key after each number to move on to the next box. Excellent practice at counting on in twos from different starting numbers.


Free Y3 maths worksheets: Revise counting back in tens

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Revise counting back in tens

counting imageTwo straightforward free maths worksheets on counting back in tens from any 2-digit number. By now children should be confident with this, realising that the units digit does not change. If they are finding this difficult a 0-100 number square could be very useful.

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Revise counting back in tens (pg 1)

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Revise counting back in tens (pg 2)

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Counting back in tens

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Counting back in tens

counting imageNow we have two free maths worksheets which are all about counting back in tens. These two pages keep to whole tens, but they do cross the hundreds boundary. Counting down in tens from 120 might cause a few problems to begin with. It is best to do this out loud and again fingers can be used as an aid – one finger for each whole ten. In year 2 children are not expected to count below zero – although the more inquisitive might ask what happens.

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Counting back in tens (pg 1)

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Counting back in tens (pg 2)

Topmarks Education: web review

Topmarks Education: web review

Topmarks Education has had a presence on the web for over 9 years, being launched in September 1998 by Chris and Sue Spolton.
It has three main aims:
1. To provide easy access to the best educational websites
2. To help teachers use the web in the classroom
3. To support parents who want to help their children.
Going right through from the earliest years to Higher Education it is a huge bank of links to other sites which provide free resources. Not just maths but just about every subject you could think of.
It is well organised into subject areas on the Home Page. Choose your subject (Maths obviously!) and there is a dropdown menu for choosing the appropriate age range. With over 70 sites to look at just for maths it is certainly a site you would want to bookmark and come back to.

8 out of 10Interest

7 out of 10Ease of use

7 out of 10Maths content

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Counting dots

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Counting dots

counting imageSome simple counting here, but also practice with writing numbers down. Counting is easy when there are just a few, but when counting more than 7 or 8 it is easy to forget which ones you have counted, especially if they are randomly placed. Even harder if you are a five year old and not quite sure what comes after 7! Continue reading “Free Y1 maths worksheet: Counting dots”

Free Y6 maths worksheets: Estimating on a number line

Free Y6 maths worksheets: Estimating on a number line

count graphicBy year 6 children should be able to read and write very large numbers, up to millions, as well as negative numbers. Many, however, find this very challenging, as indeed do many adults.

These two free maths worksheets for year 6 are much harder than they might at first appear. Continue reading “Free Y6 maths worksheets: Estimating on a number line”

Maths Game: Cross number 2. 2-digit subtraction.

Maths Game: Cross number 2. 2-digit subtraction.

The second in our mini series of cross numbers. That’s a crossword, but with numbers rather than words as clues and answers. This one is all about subtraction of two 2-digit numbers, without crossing the tens boundary. Just slide the numbers onto the grid. There are only just enough of each digit to complete the grid correctly.

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Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

count graphicMultiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 are fundamental in our system of arithmetic. These concepts will eventually be used in work involving negative numbers, decimals and percentages so it is important to have a sound understanding of what is going on.

Once again, and I will never get tired of saying it:

NEVER say ‘to multiply by 10 we add a nought.’

This might seem to work for whole numbers, but it leads to misunderstandings with decimals: 3.55 x 10 is not 2.550!

The ideas to get across are;

When multiplying by 10 the digits move one place to the left.

When multiplying by 100 the digits move two places to the left.

When dividing by 10 the digits move one place to the right.

When dividing by 100 the digits move two places to the right.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Multiply and divide by 10

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Multiply and divide by 10 and 100