Men’s Marathon Maths Worksheet

One of the most iconic events in athletics is the Marathon. It originates from stories of the famous Athenian, Pheidippides who ran from the battlefield near Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory over Persia. He is supposed to have collapsed and died from exhaustion after delivering his message.

The marathon was about 25 miles long aalthough the distance was not standardised until 1908, when the race’s distance was extended from around 25 miles to 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometres). This distance became standard for the Marathon and is still used today.

It is the only race still usually measured in miles and yards rather than metric.

The men’s marathon world record is held by Patrick Makau of Kenya. He ran over 26 miles in just over 2 hours 3 minutes. In metres that is over 55 metres every 10 seconds.Mark out 55 metres on the playground or on the field. See if you can run that far in 10 seconds.If you can imagine doing it at the same speed for 2 hours without a break! That’s how fast they are running!!

Men’s Marathon worksheet

Calculator words (upside down)

As the summer term comes to an end why not have some more fun with a calculator. I expect most children have worked out the certain combinations of letters will form words when the calculator is turned upside down and this page looks a little more closely at this.

For example: 0.7734 will greet you with the word ‘hello’, albeit in a slightly odd font, but perfectly readable.

There follows 5 calculations which give words.

Once children have worked out which letters can be converted into words then there is a tremendous range of words that can be created. The second page suggests just a few of them.

One good idea is to let children find the number that makes a word and then make a clue up , in a similar way to the worksheet. This will involve plenty of excellent practice at working with numbers.

Calculator words

Maths worksheet: Archery (2)

Archery is one of the oldest known sports; certainly it was a competitive activity in medieval times – remember Robin Hood! In the 14th century it was compulsory for all men aged between 7 and 60 to practise.

The idea of the sport is to shoot arrows at a target consisting of ten rings, with the Gold in the middle. Usually it takes the form of a knock-out competition with five sets. Each set consists of three arrows per archer.

This worksheet looks at the possible scores that can be achieved if all the three of the arrows land in the red and/or blue rings.

The Red Inner is worth 8 points.

The Red outer is worth 7 points.

The Blue Inner is worth 6 points.

The Blue Outer is worth 5 points.

This is a slightly harder task than the first Archery worksheet. When carrying out this look for children who work in a well organised, methodical way e.g. starting with the highest possible score (8, 8, 8) and working down. probably most suired to year 4/5 and can be found in our Year 5 Using and Applying Maths section.

Archery worksheet (2)



Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 71 and 72

Here we have the last sets of mental arithmetic questions for year 3. The complete pack of 72 sets of ten questions can be used in 12 week blocks over the three terms, using two sets each week. Probably the most important part of this whole process is to ask how children go about answering the questions and discussing with them different approaches, some of which are much quicker and easier than others.

If children can answer these last two sets of questions quickly and correctly then they will be very well set up for the next year and will have a sound base on which to progress.

Questions this week include:

doubling 2-digit and 3-digit numbers

finding halves of 3-digit multiples of 10

change from £5.00

further money problems

time questions such as the number of weeks in a year.

Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 71 and 72

Stadiums for summer football competition

Here is a great worksheet for those who are interested in the summer football taking place in July and August. There are 6 stadiums which will host matches:

City of Coventry Stadium

Hampden Park

St James’ Park

Millennium Stadium

Old Trafford


This worksheet looks at the approximate capacity of each ground and asks some tricky questions. Set out over two pages, the answers require addition and subtraction of large numbers as well as long multiplication, including 5-digits multiplied by 2-digits. For this reason it is best suited for the upper primary end. The calculations have been laid out using the standard written method which should help.

Football stadiums

Whilst this doesn’t quite fit any category I have added it to the Year 6 Calculations, under Addition.

Mental addition and subtraction for year 4

Here is a real mixture of addition and subtraction questions which can all be answered mentally without resorting to written methods. The questions include adding 2-digit multiples of 10 to 3-digit numbers and subtracting 2-digit multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers.

Interestingly, some of the addition statements can be answered by subtraction and some of the subtraction statements can be completed by addition. For example: 35 + ?? = 75 can be done by subtracting 35 from 75. An equally good method would be to add on in tens from 35 to 75.

In the same way 36 – ?? = 20 can be completed by adding on from 20 up to 36, or simply by subtracting 20 from 36. This all helps with understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction.

This set of worksheets, which because it involves both addition and subtraction is slightly harder than just dealing with one, can be found in the Year 4 addition category.

More addition and subtraction practice


Year 3 Mental Arithmetic: sets 69 and 70

A final look at addition and subtraction with these two sets of ten mental arithmetic questions for year 3. By the end of the year children should really be developing their mental arithmetic strategies, which are almost like ‘tricks of the trade’. Let’s take a look at a few of them which crop up in these questions.

1. 34 add 35 can be done in several ways such as adding the tens then adding the units and adding the two totals. Another way is to double one of the numbers and adjust by one e.g. double 34 is 68; add one to make 69.

2.  603 – 590. My favourite way to do this is adding on: add 10 to make 600 and then add 3 more to make 603. Answer is 13. This is much easier than trying to subtract 590 from 603.

3. subtract 9 from 265. This is one they should be very familiar with; take ten and add one. Of course some children will count down 9 using their fingers, but this will be much slower.

Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 69 and 70

Subtracting using the standard method

Children need plenty of practice at using the standard written method of subtraction if the are going to become competent with it and calculate without making errors. This is a nice little page as it concentrates on subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers.

More than this the questions are graded in difficulty, according to the rows, so it also makes for an excellent assessment sheet to see just how well they are doing.

The first row is very straightforward, with no adjustments necessary.

The second row questions all require adjustment from tens to units and the third row requires adjustment from the hundreds to the tens.

The last row is the real tester as it needs adjustment from hundreds to tens to units. Watch out for the common erro, such as saying that 0 – 6 is 6.

This page is part of the collection of subtraction worksheets found in the Four Rules category.

Standard subtraction of 2-digits from 3-digits

Maths Investigation: Archery scores

Archery is usually organised as a knockout competition with the last two archers left going for the First and Second place medals.

The target consists of ten rings, made up of 5 colours. Points are scored depending on which ring the arrow lands. Arrows which land on the line are given the higher score. 10 points are rewarded for a Gold Inner, 9 for a Gold Outer, down to 2 points for a White Inner and one point for a White Outer.

This worksheet asks what possible scores can be achieved by landing all three arrows in the Gold Rings.

The second page asks what scores are possible if one arrow lands in Gold, one in Red and one in Blue. There are 8 combinations, with just four possible totals.

This could easily be extended to find other possible combinations.

This page is best suityed to Year3/4 children and can be found in our Year 4 Using and Applying Maths category.

Archery investigation (1)

Year 3 Mental Arithmetic: Sets 67 and 68

We will be shortly be drawing to a close the weekly year 3 mental arithmetic. Meanwhile here is a set of questions concentrating on fractions. Always a tricky subject, often disliked by children and adults, they can, in fact, be quite good fun.

By the end of year 3 children should know that dividing by 2 will give half of a number; dividing by 4 will give a quarter of a number and dividing by 10 will give a tenth of a number.

One of the puzzling things about fractions can be that as a number gets bigger, the fraction gets smaller. So 1/10 of a number is a smaller amount than 1/4 or 1/6 of that number.

Something else which many children find tricky is finding the number half way between two other numbers, such as finding the number half way between 8 and a half and nine. Plenty of practice counting in halves and quarters will help with this.

Year 3 mental arithmetic: sets 67 and 68