Year 6 SATs practice: graphs (3)

Here is the next in our mini series of maths worksheets looking at the types of questions involving graphs that come up in the SAT papers. The first part of the worksheet looks at interpreting a tally chart. Children should have had plenty of practice with making and interpreting tally charts from year 2/3 onwards so this should be a very simple  question.

The second part of the worksheet is harder, with questions on a line graph. The scale goes up in hundreds and there needs to be a reasonable amount of leeway in the answers given.

This page can be found in the Year 6 maths worksheets category, under Key Stage 2 Maths SAT practice, together with other pages on number, time and shape. Also don’t forget to take a look at Year 6 Maths SAT Papers where you will find lots more questions taken from recent test papers plus ways to approach them.

Graphs (3)

Year 6 SATs practice: Graphs (1 and 2)

It is not too long now before the latest round of Year 6 SATs comes so I thought I would put a week aside to provide worksheets to help with this.

Today I have published a page which looks at the type of question which comes up on interpreting bar charts. A bar chart shows the number of birds that flew into a garden on one day. It is very straightforward, with the numbers on the axis going up in twos.

The second part of the page looks at using a table to find information and the question asks how much two Nutto bars and one Creamo bar would cost. The first step is to find the correct prices and then work out the cost. Two bars at 27p and one at 61p can be added in several ways. For example:

The 27p can be doubled to make 54p and then the 61p added to make 115p or £1.15 or

27p can be added to 61p to make 88p and then add 27p.

The second page is similar, this time looking at a temperature graph and a frequency of throwing dice graph.

These worksheets can be found in the Year 6, Key Stage 2 Maths SAT practice category.

Graphs (1)

Graphs (2)


Maths worksheet: Multiplying by 2, 3, 5 and 10

Here is a straightforward maths worksheet which looks at multiplying by 2, 3, 5 and 10. Probably this page can be best used as an assessment page to see just how well these tables have been learned. They are the first four tables to be learnt and only the three times tables should cause much in the way of difficulty.

Some children do find it incredibly difficult to learn times tables so it is very worthwhile to keep coming back to them, repeating them time and time again until they become ‘second nature’.

When learning times tables it is important to say it in full and not just give the answers. For example a child might be able to recite counting on in twos: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 etc but if asked what six times two was would have to count up from two, probably using fingers to know when 6 has been reached. This is not an effective approach.

This page can be found in the Year 3 category on Calculating.

Multiplying by 2, 3, 5 and 10 (1)

Resource of the week: More than and less than signs

This week I am highlighting a worksheet on the ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ signs. Children from Year 3 onwards are now expected to recognise and understand these signs. This is very different from most adults experience, who would not have met these signs until much later. As the two signs are so similar this can be quite a tricky idea for children to remember. Hopefully, this page will help.

> means ‘is more than’

< means ‘is less than’

From year 1 children have been used to working with the terms ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ but this does not mean that they will understand and use the signs (especially as to many children it looks like the same sign flipped on its side). The way I remember it is that the arrow always points to the smaller number.

A key point in trying to become familiar with the signs is to read out loud number sentences so just as you can say that

3 +4 = 7 (three add four equals seven)

you can say that 3 + 4 > 6 (three add four is more than six).

This page can be found in our Year 3 Counting and Number category.

More than less than signs

Year 4 maths worksheet: time

This maths worksheet takes a closer look at the different ways that we say what the time is and is probably most suited to year 4 children.

Reading the time often proves to be a tricky subject for children and there are several reasons for this. One is that many children seldom see a clock face other than a digital display. Another reason is that we have various ways of saying the same time.

For example: 9:50 can be said as ‘nine fifty’ or ‘ten to ten’.

This worksheet asks children to write times using digits, write times in words using minutes past and minutes to the hour as well as working out times a quarter or half hour before and after the time given. These types of question are very popular in the Year 6 SAT papers so there is no harm in using this page with older children who are struggling with understanding and answer time questions.

More on time (1)

Two step word problems

Here we have a page of word problems which require more than one step in order to answer them. Children find this kind of two step word problem question much harder than when there is just one step involved in answering a question.

Often these questions can be done in several different ways. For example, the first question;

‘Jacob had 60 toys and his sister, Emma, had 48 toys. They sold 33 of the toys at a car boot sale. How many do they have left?’

The obvious way to do this is to add 60 and 48, making 108 and then subtracting 33 to leave 75.

However, it is just as valid, and maybe easier, to subtract 33 from 48 which is 15 and then add this on to the 60, to make 75. The actual numbers involved here are easier to deal with.

It is well worth keeping an open mind on how these types of questions should be answered and discuss with your children the best ways of approaching them.

This page can be found in the Year 4 resources under the Using and Applying Maths category.

2 step word problems

Resource of the Week: Year 2 block graphs

It is in year 2 that children really get to grips with simple block graphs and here is one of the superb sets of year 2 maths worksheets which have allowed me to publish. There are two aspects to block graphs. Firstly, interpreting a graph and understanding what it shows. Secondly, collecting suitable data to create a block graph.

This page is suitable for 6/7 year old children and looks at the favourite sandwich fillings of a class:- always a popular subject.

The first page involves interpreting the results of the graph, whilst the second page is a template which can be printed and used by the child to show the results of their own survey. It is well worth going to URBrainy as a simple log in process allows access to all their resources for a week as well as printing up to ten sets of worksheets. If you are looking for full and detailed coverage of Key Stage 1 then I can highly recommend this.

Sandwich graph

Year 3 mental arithmetic questions

This week we round off the term with some nice straightforward questions.

The first four questions in each set are about rounding to the nearest 10 or 100. Watch out for children who round to the nearest ten when they are meant to round to the nearest 100.

The next four questions look at doubling and halving 2-digit numbers and 3-digit multiples of 100. Doubling and halving are powerful mental arithmetic skills to possess and can help answer quite tricky questions easily, so it is well worth getting children to learn, off by heart, the doubles and halves of small numbers.

Finally, a couple of questions on the properties of squares and cubes. All quite straightforward!

Year 3_mental arithmetic_sets 47 and 48

Easter maths worksheet: Co-ordinates

This is a step up from the Easter maths worksheet published earlier in the week on Position and Direction, with several differences.

Firstly the axes are numbered rather than the spaces. This is an important step as the conventions of using co-ordinates come into play. it is important to show how co-ordinates are written:

e.g. (3, 1)

Brackets are always placed around the co-ordinates, with the numbers separated by a comma. The position (3, 1) means 3 along and 1 up, which in this case takes you to the pink rabbit (and not the rabbit holding the basket of eggs).

The grid can be used for further work: e.g.

1.ask how you can move along the lines to go from one point to another (2 along and 1 up)

2. Draw more features at the points and ask where they are positioned.

3. Ask child to draw an egg at a certain point etc.

This can be found in the Year 4 Shape category.

Thanks to for allowing me to use it.

Easter coordinates

Position and direction maths worksheet

Here we have a worksheet that takes an early look at position and direction on a grid. Firstly note that whilst the North arrow is showing the rest of the points of the compass are not showing, so it would be a good idea to go over these before attempting this page.

The second thing to note is that it is the squares rather than the lines which are numbered/lettered. The usual convention of reading along the horizontal axis and then the vertical axis applies.

The third thing to note is that each move is made from the position last reached and not reverting back to the start.

The theme is an Easter one, so March/April would be an ideal time for this.

Thanks to for letting me use this page from their selection of Easter maths activities.

This worksheet can be found in the Year 3 Shape category.

Easter: position and direction