Now we come to some of the harder tables, starting with the 6 times table.
There is nothing especially ‘catchy’ to remember about this table, it is pretty much just hard work. It should not be learned until the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables have been learned. If this has been achieved, then over half the 6 times table has already been mastered!
Someone with a good knowledge of the three times table can always double the answers to get the six! Also six sixes is thirty six has a nice rhythm to it.
The whole idea of tables is that they are learnt, off by heart. To do this it is essential to say them out loud:
One times six is six
two times six is twelve
three times six is eighteen
four times six is twenty four
five times six is thirty
six times six is thirty six
seven times six is forty two
eight times six is forty eight
nine times six is fifty four
ten times six is sixty
Below are two worksheets for the six times table. A good way to do these is to time them to see how long your child takes.
When you get really good with a table you should be able to say it in under ten seconds (missing out unnecessary words ie one six, six; two sixes, twelve…etc).
6x_table (1)