Year 4 maths worksheet: suggesting suitable units to measure

By year 4 it is important that children have a good understanding of the units used to measure and what kind of unit would be sensible to estimate or measure length, mass or capacity.

They should be able to respond to questions such as;

‘About how heavy is a tennis ball?’


‘Would you expect a bungalow to be 2 metres, 6 metres or 60 metres tall?’

They should also be able to suggest things that could be measured in:

millimetres, centimetres, metres or kilometres

kilograms or grams

litres or millilitres.

This page takes a look at some common objects and what would be the most sensible estimate of them. it can be found in our Year 4 Measuring category.

Sensible units

Resource of the week: scalene triangles


This week we take another look at types of triangle. A lot of work is done on triangles in Primary Schools and by year 5 and 6 most children are familiar with the properties of right angled triangles, equilateral triangles and isosceles triangles. An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal and all three angles equal; an isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. However, fewer children know about the scalene triangle. A scalene triangle is one which has no sides the same length and no equal angles. Right angled triangles could also be scalene if all the sides are different lengths.

Thanks to MathSphere Ltd for this worksheet: and there are many more similar pages, both on their site and part of the ‘It’s All Figured Out’ CD.

This page can be found on the blog in the Year 5 section under Shape.

Go to our year 5 shape resources

Year 2: estimating on a number line 0-10

By year 2 children will be beginning to understand the vocabulary of estimating, which includes other terms such as roughly, guess how many, about the same as, nearly, close to etc.

This worksheet looks  at estimating a whole number on a number line from 0 to 10. Probably the best technique to use is to try and estimate the middle of the line, which will be 5 and then work either from 0 to 5 or 5 to 10. This is not as easy as it might appear, but after a few goes it does become much less tricky.

One use for this type of activity will come later when children need to interpret graphs where the numbers on the axes go up in fours, fives or tens and intermediate numbers need to be found.

Estimating on a number line (2)

Resource of the Week: year 4 multiplication and addition

This week we are highlighting an important part of year 4 maths which looks at the order of operations.

The rule is that multiplication should be worked out before the addition and in most of these questions that is fairly straightforward. However the questions towards the end are quite tricky.

Let’s look at 70 + ?? x 4 = 150

The best way to go about this is to go in reverse order; subtract 70 from 150 which leaves 80.

Then work out what number multiplied by 4 makes 80, which is 20.

Therefore the missing number is 20.

It is best to check this by going back to the original question; multiply 20 by 4 = 80 and then add 80 and 70 = 150, making the statement true.

Many children will find these very difficult to work out as they require several steps.

Multiplication with addition_(3)

Year 6: solve problems involving money

By year 6 children should be able to read and understand problems written in prose that include some elements of real life involving money.

They should be able to read the problem, understand the situation described, be able to see what processes are needed to solve it and then lay out working and answers clearly.

Children do find word problems far harder than just being given a ‘sum’ to do and it is important to discuss with them the best way to lay out any working.

One or two of these questions could be done mentally, but most need more than one process to reach the answer. All involve money and are an excellent way of working with two places after the decimal point.

Solve word problems involving money

Key Stage 2 SAT questions on time

Time questions are very popular with the SAT test writers and this page shows some typical examples, using tables and charts.

Children often get confused by questions which say that an event was earlier or later when looking at a calendar. If it was earlier then the number of days have to be subracted. On a calendar moving up one position will subtract 7 days – useful when counting back.

Many more time questions can be found in the year 6 category, under Key Stage 2 Maths SAT Practice.
KS2 SAT maths worksheet: Time (p 4)

Year 1 maths worksheet: solve simple word problems

One of the targets for Year 1 children is to solve simple word problems. Of course this can be very tricky for children who have yet to develop sufficient reading skills to work out what questions are being asked! Because of this many children will need help with either reading the questions of having the questions read to them.

This page also gives visual clues and again, practical apparatus such as real sweets or socks can be a great help before moving on to just having the written question.

Addition and subtraction are the two operations used here.

Solve simple word problems

Dividing by 3 table

In recent years there has been a call for children to not only learn the times tables but also the equivalent division tables. Of course this is the inverse of the 3x table and for children who know this there should not be much of a problem learning this. There are advantages to be had as it can lead to quicker mental arithmetic when carrying out written long and short division. So, here have have a quick look at learning facts connected to dividing by three and an exercise putting this knowledge into practice.

Divide by 3 table

Year 5 addition of three 2-digit numbers

Here is a practice page of adding three 2-digit numbers mentally. This is a really good test of how well children can use their skills and knowledge as there are several different approaches/techniques that can be used.

These skills  include:

1. Because addition can be done in any order it is often easier to start with the largest number.

2. Knowing pairs of teen numbers (e.g. knowing 17 + 17 is 34) will help with a question such as 17 + 15 + 17.

3. Looking for pairs that make a multiple of 10: (e.g. 17 + 13 = 30)

4. Adding the tens before the units and then counting on.

This page can be found in our Year 5 category but there are also a great collection in our Four Rules category.

Add 3 2-digit numbers practice

Bonfire Night Worksheets

It’s always nice to have something topical to use as part of the maths curriculum. Today I would like to point you to a page on percentages, linked to the theme of bonfire night, or fireworks, suitable for Year 6 children who are learning about how to work out percentages.

Four different kinds of fireworks are on sale, with 20% off. The questions involve working out how much the boxes cost and how much in the way of savings can be made.

Finding 20% is relatively straightforward if done in two parts:

first find 10% by dividing by 2

find 20% by doubling the answer.

You can find this page in my Year 6, Understanding Number section.

Thanks to for letting me publish this page. There are more bonfire night pages on their site, which you can trial free of charge at

Bonfire night percentages