Free Y6 maths worksheet: Revise understanding subtraction

High-quality direct teaching is oral, interactive and lively. It is not achieved by adopting a simplistic formula of ‘drill and practice’, or by expecting pupils to teach themselves from books.

calculate graphic“High-quality direct teaching is oral, interactive and lively. It is not achieved by adopting a simplistic formula of ‘drill and practice’, or by expecting pupils to teach themselves from books. It is a two-way process in which pupils are expected to play an active part by answering questions, contributing points to discussions, and explaining and demonstrating their methods to the class.”

(From the Primary Framework for Mathematics.)

The importance of this kind of work is clearly stated above. Don’t just give this maths worksheet to your child, go through it with them, help them use the language of maths to secure their recall, thinking and reasoning skills.

Free Y6 maths worksheet: Revise understanding subtraction (pg 3)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Revise understanding subtraction

calculate graphicVery similar to the Year 4 worksheet sent up yesterday. By now children should be checking answers by using the reverse operation as a matter of course. Unfortunately, like most of us they probably don’t!

Encourage them to do this as it is far less likely to lead to errors if there is not a calculator handy to check the answer.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction and its relationship to addition (pg 3)

Free Y4 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction and its relationship to addition

calculate graphicThis free maths worksheet looks at the relationship between addition and subtraction, in particular, that subtraction is the inverse or opposite of addition. This gives us an excellent way to check answers.

Look at 450 – 51.

We can do the subtraction sum and then check by doing the same subtraction sum again. But there is a danger with this that we might make the same mistake twice.

A better way is to do the subtraction and get the answer (399) and then check by adding the answer 399 to 51 which gives 450. Yes that is the same as the question.

Free Y 4 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction and its relationship to addition (pg 3)

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Subtraction – with a number square

calculate graphicThe second of our free maths worksheets using a 1-100 number square to help with subtraction. A number square can be used in much the same way as a number line but it makes it easier to subtract whole tens when subtracting a 2-digit number.
For example, when taking 52 from 70 the square can be used to take 50 and then count back another 2.

The language of subtraction is important on this page. Children can get into the habit of automatically subtracting the second number from the fist, hence they get into difficulties when faced with a question such as:

subtract 18 from 80.

(Make sure they don’t try to take 80 from 18!).

Free Y3 maths worksheet: Subtraction with a number square (pg 2)

News: The Children’s Plan

We have been waiting for the details and now here they are! Yet another new initiative from the Government on Education. This time they are calling it the The Children’s Plan. This is a £1bn 10-year strategy for education, welfare and play.
It includes changes to the primary school curriculum and perhaps the best part of it is the possible end of the Sats tests in England by 2009.
However, there will be tougher targets for primary schools – with the aim of 90% of 11-year-old pupils reaching the expected benchmarks for English and maths.
The plan makes clear that a current pilot for a different type of test for 11-year-olds “could lead to the end of the key stage tests by 2009”. But Mr Balls emphasised that school league tables would continue.
So, it looks like testing will continue but there are plenty of other bright ideas in this Plan.
Read more….

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction

calculate graphicThis maths worksheet gives a little bit of practice with subtracting a single digit from a 2-digit number, keeping below 30. There is a number line to help.

There are a range of mental arithmetic strategies that can be used for these, depending on the numbers. For example 25 – 5 is straightforward, however 23 -6 could prove much trickier and the number line could be used in several ways.

Some children will just count back 6 to reach 17. Others might recognise that 6 is 3 + 3 so they take 3 to make 20 and then take another 3 to make 17.

Free Y2 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction (pg 1)

News: More maths, less testing

n overhaul of national testing and school league tables in recognition that the system of high-stakes testing has become too nerve-racking for children.

Polly Curtis, education editor of The Guardian writes today that the Government will pave the way for an overhaul of national testing and school league tables in recognition that the system of high-stakes testing has become too nerve-racking for children. Ministers will give the go-ahead to introduce a form of tests which allow children two attempts and put more emphasise on teacher assessment – provided the results of a pilot, begun last week, bear out their high hopes.

More space will be made for maths and reading, as well as a review of the SATs. More on this later in the week.

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Understand subtraction

This maths worksheet uses the subtraction sign with numbers up to 10. The sign for subtraction could well be new to children of this age.

calculate graphicThis maths worksheet uses the subtraction sign with numbers up to 10. The sign for subtraction could well be new to children of this age. Think of the statement 7 – 4 as a sentence which can be read as:

7 minus 4

7 subtract 4

or 7 take away 4.

A number line can be helpful here. To take 4 from 7 start with the larger number which is 7, and then make four hops back, first to 6, then 5, then 4 then 3.

There is a number line on the worksheet, but it would be better to provide your own.

Many children will use their fingers to count the number of hops backwards they have made, there is nothing wrong with this. Alternatively they can mark the hops backwards on the number line itself.

Free Y1 maths worksheet: Use the subtraction sign (pg 1)

Free Y6 maths worksheet: Reflective symmetry

y the end of year 6 children should know and be able to read, write and use the following words:

Mirror line, line of symmetry, line symmetry, symmetrical, reflect,
reflection, translation, axis of symmetry, reflective symmetry.

shape imageBy the end of year 6 children should know and be able to read, write and use the following words:

Mirror line, line of symmetry, line symmetry, symmetrical, reflect, reflection, translation, axis of symmetry, reflective symmetry.

They should be able to test for symmetry using a mirror and by folding.

Children should be able to sketch the reflection of a simple shape in a mirror line where none or only some of the edges of the shape are parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line. This maths worksheet contains the types of question that often come up in their SATs at the end of the year and often prove to be one of the questions that large numbers of children get wrong. A mirror really is very useful for this.

Free Y6 maths worksheet: Reflective symmetry (pg 1)