Jojo in Numberland: software review

maths review of jojo in numberland

jojo in numberland graphicJojo In Numberland – Multiplication & Division

Help! Jojo has lost Bobbin and he needs to get him back from the evil kidnapper, Shiver!

Great idea, great animations and incredibly loud sound! Correct answers gain rewards. Rewards lead to more fun surprises.

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Maths worksheets: Rounding to the nearest thousand. Y6

rounding numbers

Two worksheets here for rounding larger numbers, either to the nearest 1 000 or the nearest 10 000. Being able to round easily is important when estimating an answer and before using a calculator to ensure that the answer displayed on the screen is sensible.

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NRICH maths club: web review

nrichNRICH maths club Celebrating ten years online this site started well and has continued to grow, now claiming to be the largest maths site online. It includes a huge variety of free resources.

A real winner, especially if you have a bright child who enjoys investigating maths for the fun of it. Activities include puzzles, problem solving, investigations and games to play against the computer. A wide range of topics are included but the best way to get started is to look at this month’s edition and try some activities. For this June the main theme is angles and triangles, with trig for older pupils.

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Maths worksheets: Understanding and reading larger numbers. Y5

reading large numbers

When looking at a large number think of it as blocks of three, starting on the right. Each block of three is hundreds, tens and units.

The first block is hundreds, tens and units (of ones or units).

The second block is hundreds, tens and units of thousands.

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Maths worksheets: Read and write numbers up to thousands. Y4

Reading four digit numbers

Reading four digit numbers can be tricky. Understanding of place value is vital – realising that each digit becomes ten times bigger when it moves one place to the left. We will return to this many times and in more detail. To begin, this worksheet shows the column names to help with reading the numbers.

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Maths worksheets: Counting larger numbers. Y3

Counting larger numbers

Children seldom get a chance to count a larger number of objects, say between 30 and 60. By seeing and counting this many they become more able to estimate larger numbers and give rough approximations, rather than just give wild guesses.

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Free Y1 and Y2 maths worksheets: Counting on and back.

Counting on and back free resource

This is the very first of many free worksheets which will be available via this blog. We have exclusive rights to the worksheets which will soon be available as a small part of the site – opening later this summer.

These first four worksheets are aimed at year 1 and year 2 children aged about 4 to 6 years old. They are in pdf format and can be downloaded and printed for home use.

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A comeback for class projects

Remember the class topic – it’s making a comeback. Some of you may remember your days in primary school and still have a project, or topic, that you did hidden away in the loft. Topics all but disappeared with the onset of the National Curriculum in 1988 and subject based teaching being strongly recommended in reports in the 1990s. But the Times Educational Supplement reports today that the topic has made a comeback.

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Folens Maths for the Less Able: software review

Folens: maths for the less able

folens.GIFFolens: Maths for the less able

This series of four files is aimed at children between 7 and 11 who don’t find maths easy. Generally, they address the needs of children who are about two years below the average for their age group and they do this quite well.

The packs consist of lesson plans for two lessons a week, resource sheets, follow up ideas and printable worksheets. The photocopiable pages do look rather dull, but that might be due to an attempt to take away age related graphics – not a bad idea.

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