Timez Attack: web review

Timez Attack: web review

TimezattackTimez Attack

Are you spending tedious hours trying to get your children to learn their tables? Would you like to get your children pleading to learn their tables? Well if the Timez Attack blurb is true to its word your kids will love this. Coming from the Big Brainz site, they obviously like their zzzzs!

The Timez Attack base version is a free download of about 43 MB consisting of a high-tech and entertaining video game aimed at improving tables. Graphics are excellent, on a par with many video games. Your children will probably find their way around far better than you as they explore the dungeon and overcome monsters, at first to master their two times table. Continue reading “Timez Attack: web review”

Maths puzzles: Word search six times table

maths puzzle word search six times table

games2Here we are – a straightforward six times table word search. The words to the answers to the six times table can be found across, down or diagonally, but not backwards so it is still reasonably straight forward. Good practice at revising the six times table and for spelling those tricky numbers.

The six times table often proves to be tricky for children to learn, but if they have a secure grasp of earlier tables (ie 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x) then the only really new aspects are 6 x 6 = 36 which is a square number, 7 x 6 = 42, 8 x 6 = 48 and 9 x 6 = 54.

Maths word search six times table

What is expected? Part 6 Year 4

What is expected of children in maths in year 4?

What is expected of children during their primary school years in England?

Year 4 ( aged 8/9)

Now we have come to what is expected of children aged between 8 and 9: as defined by the English Primary Framework for Mathematics (part of the National Curriculum). In year 4 there is a greater emphasis on written methods, with the standard or efficient method expected for both addition and subtraction. Children are expected to know all their tables and there is a lot more work on decimals. Continue reading “What is expected? Part 6 Year 4”

Maths puzzles: Word search 3 times table

maths puzzle three times table

games2Now this is not so much a word search as a number search. The grid consists of numbers, the multiplication sign and the equals sign. The idea is to spot statements which you will find in the 3 times table and complete them. All the answers are either up or down, not diagonally and not from bottom to top or right to left.

Two things to note:

1. a row containing 2 3 x 4 = 1 2 5 x 2 has within it the statement 3 x 4 = 12; ignore the numbers and signs either side.

2. the equals signs on statements going down are the wrong way round – sorry about that!!

Quite tricky!

Maths word search: 3 times table

Maths puzzles: Word search measures

free maths puzzle: measure word search

games2Still easy, but this free maths word search is more challenging than the easy peasy length word search. Concentrating on words to do with measurement, including, length, width, depth, centimetre, litre, millilitre, kilogram, weighs, capacity and measure.

Again there are no diagonals to find and the words are not positioned backwards. This is a good chance to talk about the relationship between units of measurement eg 1000 ml in a litre, 1000 grams in a kilogram etc.

As a litre of water can be contained in a 10cm open cube this means that as 10 cm x 10cm x 10cm makes 1000 cm cubed, so one ml of water has the same volume as a centimetre cube.

Maths word search measures

Maths puzzles: Word search length

Maths word search: length

games2As it’s now well into the long summer holiday this week I will concentrate on a few more relaxing home maths pages. Going to the quiet Dorset countryside for a couple of days so posting Monday’s today. I have a maths word search for young children, the first in our collection of ‘easy peasy’ puzzles! All the words are part of the expected vocabulary for Y1 children to do with measurement of length.
They include: long, short, tall, thick, thin, high, low wide and narrow. The words are all to be found across or down the wordsearch, no diagonals and nothing spelt backwards. Good practice in using the language of measurement. Why not sit down with your child whilst they find the words and talk about the meanings and when you would use them. You can make comparisons by using longer, shorter, etc.

Maths word search: length

Free Y6 maths worksheets: Quick tables and square numbers.

Free Maths worksheets: Quick tables and square numbers

know2Tables should be well and truly known by now. Unfortunately this is very often not the case. Children need constant reinforcement and practice with their tables. Square numbers are also meant to be known, such as the square of 11. Knowledge of tables will help with most of these but not the larger squares. It is always a good idea to look at a tables square and note the way the square numbers take a diagonal path across the table.

Many children do not realise that the square numbers are the only whole number of squares that can be used to make a larger square (eg 49 squares makes a 7 by 7 larger square) and that it is not possible to make a larger square out of other numbers (eg 48 squares will not make a larger square, only a rectangle).

Free Y6 maths worksheet: Quick tables and square numbers (pg 2)

Free Y6 maths worksheet: More tables questions

Free Y5 maths worksheets: Investigate subtraction.

free Y5 maths worksheet

know2Some revision here of subtracting multiples of ten from 3-digit multiples of 10. By this stage children should feel quite confident of doing this and be able to explain clearly the methods that they are using. They should also be able to find all the pairs of whole tens to make totals (eg 140) in a logical and well ordered way so that no pairs are missed.

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Find the difference (pg 1)

Free Y5 maths worksheet: Find the difference (pg 2)

Sums at home: software review

Sums at home: software review

sums at homeSumsathome: a series of 6 CDs for children between 5 and 12. The level 3, 4, 5 and 6 CDs each contain 16 activities, whilst levels 1 and 2 only contain 8. For example the level 3 CD contains activities on tables, division, doubling and halving, surveys , tables and pictograms, Carroll diagrams, multiples and number sequences, odd and even numbers, grouping in tens, directions, symmetry, co-ordinates and patterns. They have not been updated to meet the new requirements of the Primary Framework for maths.

Activities are displayed very well in a bright clear format. The interface is straightforward and easy to use, but the games tend to be very slow moving. The children I worked with on the level 3 CD enjoyed doing the first sum or activity but soon became irritated whilst waiting for the next question to materialise: eg the numbers for a division sum take a long time to move along pipes before the question can be answered. If this was put on an interactive whiteboard in a classroom where the teacher is talking about the questions this slow pace would not be so noticeable.

Only available from the above website, £29.95 each for the level 3 to 6 CDs makes these expensive for what they are and there are better CDs on the market covering much the same material. They do offer a money back guarantee so you can make your own mind up and postage and packing are included in the price.

4 out of 10Interest

7 out of 10Maths content

3 out of 10Value for money

Free Y4 maths worksheets: What must be added?

Free Y4 Maths worksheets. What must be added?

know2Both these free worksheets look at questions which involve adding on from one number to make another. In this case they are all adding on from a 3-digit number to the next whole hundred. Again, there is more than one way to do these. As an example look at the question:

“What must be added to 345 to make 400?”

Method 1: add on from 345 to 350 (5) then add 50 to make 350.

Method 2: add on 50 to 345 to make 395 then count on the extra 5.

Plenty of practice still needed at counting up and down in whole tens and as with all mental arithmetic remember to ask your child how they reached the answer as well as seeing whether it is correct or not.

Free Y4 maths worksheet: What must be added? (pg 1)

Free Y4 maths worksheet: What must be added? (pg 2)